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University of Colorado Boulder
送交者: kabba 2018年11月30日13:59:55 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話

The University of Colorado Boulder (科羅拉多大學波爾得分校) is located in Colorado, in the middle of the United States, in the city of Boulder, 60 kilometers from the state capital of Denver, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. It is a leading public research institution in the United States. Although the overall ranking is not high, as the flagship of the Colorado higher education system, the University of Colorado at Boulder has excellent academic and cutting-edge research standards and is known for its science and engineering.

If you graduated from college, and applied for OPT, you school most like will not provide a student health insurance coverage anymore (also known as 留學生保險). So you need to find your own OPT health insurance (also known as opt 保險). Fortunately, there are many insurance companies have plans for OPT students. Have your own choice of health insurance may not only save your money, it may have better coverage if you know what kind of plan suits you the most.

After you finished your OPT, if you still want to work in the US, your best choice is to apply for H-1B visa (also known as h1b 簽證). It’s never too early to start thinking about H-1b sponsorship, but the best time to talk to your employer about sponsorship is before February each year, you need to make sure you will getting sponsored for H-1B before February, because it usually takes couple of months to prepare your H-1B material(also known as h1b 簽證材料), so you can submit you H-1b application by April 1st.

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