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One flew over the cuckoo's nest
送交者: jingchen 2021年05月02日05:49:41 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話

One flew over the cuckoo's nest

It was a 1962 novel about life in a mental hospital in Oregon. Later in 1975, the novel was adapted into a movie.


The story is about how an institution has the responsibility to help people. When an institution has the responsibility to help people, it has the responsibility to destroy, or cure people. Inevitably, an institution, any institution, would rather rule over the ruly over the unruly. Any unruly have to be cured. This is a story about how a mental hospital treats its patients. The climax of such a treatment is lobotomy, which earned its originator a Nobel prize in medicine.


Half a century ago, people in charge of a mental hospital have the responsibility to help and cure the helpless patients in the hospital. Today, people in charge of a society have the responsibility to help and cure the helpless people in the society.


The story was told by Chief Bromden, a native American patient in the mental hospital. He pretended to be deaf and mute. In a society you are not part of the mainstream, the best you can do is to pretend deaf and mute. Now it is even impossible to remain silent. Recently, there are often accusations about Asian silence. You are no more allowed to pretend deaf and mute. You have to loudly proclaim that you are in the process of being cured and loudly proclaim your allegiance to the mainstream. 

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