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送交者: expertise 2009年10月01日16:35:33 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

This report includes thirteen (13) EB-1A and EB-1B cases filed by Liu & Associates and approved by the USCIS in July 2009. We list the basic credentials of each case and hope our readers find the information helpful. For confidentiality purpose, a numeric number is assigned to replace the petitioner/beneficiary's name in each case. It is our firm’s policy to hold client’s information strictly confidential.

Compiled and briefed by Lisa Sun, Law Clerk at Liu & Associates, PLLC.

Case #1: 

Case Type:   Eb-1A
Field of Research:  Material science 
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from a foreign university
Published 27 papers for journals and conferences
   Reviewed papers for journals and science competitions
Supporting Letters: 6 letters including 1 independent expert
Filing Date:   November 6, 2008 
Approval Date:  July 9, 2009

Case #2: 

Case Type:  Eb-1B 
Field of Research: Mechanical engineer
Major Credentials: Ph.D. degree from a U.S. university 
   5 publications in journals and conferences, all first author 
   50+ citations from other researchers 
Supporting Letters: 6 letters, including 3 independent experts 
Filing Date:  January 7, 2009
Approval Date: July 14, 2009 

Case #3:

Case Type:  Eb-1A
Field of Research: Organic Chemistry
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from a U.S. university 
10 publications in journals and conference abstracts
80+ citations from other researchers 
Reviewer work for journals
Supporting Letters: 6 letters, including 4 independent experts
Filing Date:  June 18, 2009
Approval Date: July 16, 2009

Case #4:

Case Type:  Eb-1A
Field of Research: Biochemistry
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from a foreign university 
10+ publications in journals and conferences 
170+ citations from other researchers
Media reports
Supporting Letters: 6 letters including 2 independent experts 
Filing Date:  June 18, 2009
Approval Date: July 12, 2009

Case 5:

Case Type:  Eb-1A
Field of Research: Electrical Engineering
Major Credentials:  Ph.D. from a U.S. university 
   20+ publications in journals and conferences 
   60+ citations from other researchers 
   Reviewer work for journals 
Supporting Letters: 5 letters, including 2 independent experts 
Filing Date:  May 22, 2009
Approval Date: July 14, 2009

Case #6:

Case Type:  Eb-1A
Field of Research: Biomedical Research
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from a foreign university 
   30+ publications in journals and conferences
   110+ citations by other researchers 
Principal Investigator on 4 government funded projects 
Frequently requested to review works of others for journals and funding proposals 
Editor in Chief for books
Editorial Board Member for journals 
Supporting Letters: 6 letters, including 2 independent experts
Filing Date:  June 18, 2009
Approval Date: July 16, 2009

Case #7: 

Case Type:  Eb-1B
Field of Research: Statistics
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from a U.S. university 
   17 publications in journals and conferences 
   100+ citations by other researchers    
Supporting Letters: 5 letters including 2 independent experts
Filing Date:  May 19, 2009
Approval Date: July 31, 2009

Case #8: 

Case Type:  Eb-1A
Field of Research: Psychology
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from foreign university
   60+ publications in journals and conferences
   4 books (one is sole authored, 2 first authored)
   Interviewed by and featured on international media sites 
Reviewer work for accreditation authorization of universities
Guest editor or Editorial Board Member on 3 journals
Supporting Letters: 5 letters, including 1 independent expert
Filing Date:  June 9, 2009
Approval Date: July 28, 2009

Case #9:

Case Type:  EB-1B
Field of Research: Lithography 
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from U.S. university
   13 publications in journals and conference proceedings
   Reviewer work for 10 journals 
Supporting Letters: 6 letters including 3 independent experts 
Filing Date:  March 20, 2009
Approval Date: July 8, 2009

Case #10:

Case Type:  Eb-1B
Field of Research: Material science 
Major Credentials:  Ph.D. from U.S. university 
10+ publications in journals and conferences
50+ citations by other researchers 
Supporting Letters: 5 letters including 3 independent experts 
Filing Date:  February 23, 2009
Approval Date: July 22, 2009 

Case #11:

Case Type:  Eb-1A
Field of Research: Optics
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from foreign university 
   40+ publications in journals and conferences
   Reviewer work for journals and conferences 
   Associate Editor and Guest Editor for 2 journals 
   Senior Member IEEE
Supporting Letters: 6 letters including 4 independent experts 
Filing Date:  July 17, 2009
Approval Date: July 23, 2009

Case #12:

Case Type:  Eb-1B
Field of Research: Biology 
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from foreign university 
400+ citations by other researchers
15 publications in journals and conferences 
Reviewer work for multiple journals 
News, MSNBC.com, FoxNews.com, etc)
Supporting Letters: 6 letters including 3 independent experts
Filing Date:  February 20, 2009
Approval Date: July 10, 2009

Case #13:

Case Type:  Eb-1B 
Field of Research: Chemical engineering
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from U.S. university 
   50+ citations from other researchers
   10 peer-reviewed publications
   Reviewer work for 7 journals 
Supporting Letters: 5 independent experts 
Filing Date:  November 21, 2008
Approval Date: July 30, 2009


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