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送交者: YYO2002 2008月11月02日23:33:11 於 [加國移民] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 加拿大美國生活大PK,你希望去哪兒?一米陽光 於 2008-11-02 20:39:29
If you really believe that Canada is indeed better, I don't think you wanted to do such kind of comparison to convince yourself and make you somehow feel better. Do you ever heard that New Yorkers try to convince other people New York is the best city in the world? Are Americans ever concerned about whether they are better off or worse off than Canadian? If what you claim is true, why, when asked, you more likely prefer to say that you are from "North America", nor Canada; on the other hand, do you ever hear anyone from America says he or she is from North America?

OK, to make you feel good about yourself, I have no problem to say that Canada is not only better than America, but it's simply the best country on earth simply because you work and live there! Congrats!
  Well,MACLEAN simply wants to - 劍寧 11/03/08 (668)
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