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A Story for Anthony and Allison
送交者: theRockies 2009年11月28日22:23:24 於 [加國移民] 發送悄悄話
Dear Anthony and Allison,
This is a story for you.  Although you are too young to read this, hopefully you will do so later.
Twenty-five years ago, in Calgary, there was a mother who had a son who was four and a daughter who was two.  The mother had a rheumatoid disease with unknown causes, which was somewhat like the Still’s that your Dad had.  She passed away.  The funeral was held at Forster’s Garden Chapel, same as where your Dad’s was although it was at their old location.  Lots of friends came, like at your Dad’s.
The little boy and little girl grew up.  They had many friends that they enjoyed playing with.  They took part in sports to have fun.  The boy learned to play the guitar and the girl learned the piano.  They went to school and worked hard.  Although they were not star students, they finished university and the girl took graduate studies.
Now the boy takes care of the elderly in nursing homes and those who need rehabilitation after illness or injury.  The girl works in a special school for kids with autism and other developmental challenges.  They both enjoy their work and also the time that they spend with their friends.  Although they do not have much actual memory of their mother, they keep their love of her deep in their hearts.  As their father, I know that their mother would have been very proud of them.
I know that you also will do very well when you grow up.  I am sure that you will work hard, take care of and love each other and your Mom.  There is a very long road ahead with many challenges, which you will overcome.  You will lead fulfilling lives and make your Dad very proud.
With all the best wishes,
A friend
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