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Question for power window
送交者: 3cent 2008年09月18日18:38:16 於 [我愛我車] 發送悄悄話
driver side power window doesn't work. It can't be closed. The fuse is fine. The question is how to find if the master switch or motor has problem. It is an old car, 2000 corolla. Based on book, Toyota Corolla & Geo/Chevrolet Prizm 1993 thru 2002 all models Haynes Repair Manual, published by Haynes, I try to connect pots, 3-4-5 and 1-10-11, on the switch's interface to close the window. The window has no action but, the doors are locked. Send email to the publisher and get same answer as one in the book. Check switch interface, when the switch is at close window position, the above pins connected. Confused! Any suggestion?
  Some suggestions. - xjing 04/24/09 (294)
  test  /無內容 - xjing 04/24/09 (406)
  I Like Your Experience But... - BestWishes 10/23/08 (356)
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