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送交者: 藝萌 2016年02月24日04:49:11 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話


2016-02-24 僑報綜合 美國在線








我是一個驕傲的美籍華人,但對於那些在上周末參加支持華裔警察梁彼得的示威集會的華人們,我感到有些失望。事實上,我的父 母和他們的許多朋友都前往參加了集會。此前非裔在舉行”非裔的命也是命“(Black Lives Matter protests)的抗議遊行時,包括我父母和他們的朋友都選擇沉默,或是躲得遠遠的。但當事件涉及華人時,他們選擇了給與關注,並且站出來。

令美國華人感到不公的是,梁警官被裁決有罪,但許多殺死手無寸鐵的非裔的白人警察卻一點兒事都沒有。這些白人警察包括將加納鎖喉致死的潘塔利奧(Daniel Pantaleo),在弗格森打死非裔青年的警察威爾遜(Darren Wilson),這些人都被判無罪。在梁彼得的案件中,”劇情“似乎更加曲折:梁彼得並沒有看見非裔青年格利出現在他面前,但是他卻”意外“地開了槍,子彈打中牆壁後反彈,再擊中格利。 我和我的父母一樣,對那些明確針對非裔的白人警察最終脫罪感到憤怒。我認為有關部門在對待梁彼得和對待潘塔利奧的方式上,有明顯的區別,尤其是當潘塔利奧還是一個經驗豐富的老警察,也意味着,他在處理類似事件上,更應該知道怎麼做。

梁警官所處的“體制”是腐敗,但這一切無法改變格利死亡的事實 。在這個體制中,警察被要求前往政府樓進行巡邏,只是為了尋找可能存在的“可疑行為”,而梁也就在在政府樓巡邏時擊中了格利。事發時,梁子在沒有及時威脅的情況下將手指放在扳機上也是事實,而當他發現格利被擊中後,沒有離開提供醫療援助,這也是事實。我希望梁彼得被定罪成為一個先例,今後我們必須將其他殺人的警察定罪。這不是第一次有非裔被警察在政府樓巡邏任務中被殺掉,如果我們不改變現狀的話,這也不會是最後一例。 我所說的現狀就是,每28個小時,全美就有一個手無寸鐵的非裔被警察或是類似齊默曼(George Zimmerman)的人殺掉。梁彼得殺死了一個父親、一個兒子、一個兄弟,他應該為此負責。

我要求我的爸爸將格利相信成他的兒子,而他在試圖進入公寓時,就毫無理由地被槍殺了。我爸爸立刻回應稱:“那想想如果梁彼得是你的兒子。” 這種將梁彼得想象成自己的兒子,而不是格利的思維模式,在許多東亞移民中其實廣泛存在。他們感到憤怒,是因為來自他們族裔的人遭遇到了不公平的待遇。而當非裔、南亞裔或是西裔遭遇到不公時,他們卻看不到,即使當一個人的命才等於另一個人15年的牢獄之災的時候。



我的父母將梁彼得看做是非裔維權時期的犧牲品,他們將他稱為“替罪羊”,特別是在梁彼得的案件就發生在小販加納被鎖喉致死案件後的4個月。我在看梁彼得事件時,我看到了改變的可能性——希望在維權人士對改變的堅持下,之後類似的案件可以公平的, 獨立的得到審理。梁的定罪,就是走向公平的一步。



I'm Chinese American and I Think This Weekend's Peter Liang Protests Were a Problem, and an Opportunity
I'm a proud Chinese American, but today I am disappointed by those in my community who rallied this weekend in support of Peter Liang, the NYPD officer who killed Akai Gurley and was recently convicted of second-degree manslaughter. My parents and many of their friends attended these rallies or have spoken up in support of Liang. They have stayed silent and very far away from any Black Lives Matter protests, but they find the time to pay attention and show up when it is a member of their community.

Chinese Americans are arguing that it is unjust that Liang got convicted while the many white cops who have killed unarmed Black people before him walked free. White cops such as Daniel Pantaleo, who killed Eric Garner with a chokehold, and Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown, are regularly acquitted of these killings. In the case of Peter Liang, there are more ambiguities. At least as the official account goes, he did not see Akai Gurley before his gun accidentally discharged and his bullet ricocheted off a wall and fatally struck Gurley. I share my parents' outrage that white cops who much more clearly targeted unarmed Black folks have somehow gotten non-indictments. I think there are clear disparities between the way Liang was treated versus the way Pantaleo was treated, particularly as Pantaleo was a veteran cop who should have known better.

But that doesn't change the fact that Akai Gurley died needlessly because of a rotten system that Liang was part of. This is a system in which police routinely conduct unwarranted public housing patrols just to look for suspicious activity, which is what Liang was doing when he shot Gurley. The facts are that Liang had his gun on the trigger when there was no imminent threat -- he was there proactively, not in response to an event -- and when he did find out that Gurley was shot, he did not immediately provide medical care. I hope that Liang's conviction is a precedent, and that we will continue to convict, instead of letting cops who kill off the hook. This is not the first time that a cop has killed a Black person during a public housing patrol and it will likely not be the last time, if we maintain the status quo. The status quo is that an unarmed Black person is killed by cops and George Zimmerman types every 28 hours in this country. Peter Liang killed someone -- a father, son a brother -- and he should be held accountable.

I asked my dad to imagine that Akai Gurley were his son, killed for nothing more than trying to enter an apartment. He immediately responded, without stopping to actually consider my question, "but imagine if Peter Liang were your son." That he was willing to consider Liang but not Gurley as his son is indicative of a broader trend I see among many (East) Asian Americans. They are angry when they see injustice against people who look like them, but not when they see injustice against Black, Latinx, and Muslim/ South Asian communities. Other people of color are dehumanized to them. Even when the injustice is stacked a human life versus a possible 15 years in prison.

I think many Asian Americans are focusing on Peter Liang as an individual instead of as part of a system that's broken. The system is made of people like Liang who, accidentally or not, feel the need to have their guns out in the absence of provocation. It's also a system in which Black folks can face life sentences for nonviolent drug crimes, while cops walk free (or serve much shorter sentences) for taking innocent lives. Where is the outrage over that discrepancy?

Many Asian Americans fail to see this systematic violence as related to them, when in fact history has taught us that white supremacy is a revolving door that deems different groups of marginalized folks as "unsafe" based on what benefits white people at the time. White people will always find new reasons to profile people of color as criminals, spies, terrorists, and so forth, and Asian Americans are not immune. When the tide of favorability turns against us, I would hope that other people of color would stand in solidarity -- just as Asian American folks need to stand in solidarity now. The flawed logic of protesting one type of racism while implicitly condoning another, far more violent type of racism is bewildering to me. I saw people in the Liang rallies this weekend holding signs that quoted Martin Luther King Jr. and bore sentences like "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." That they failed to see the irony in this escapes me.

My parents see Peter Liang as a victim of the mounting pressures of Black Lives Matter. They are calling him a "scapegoat," particularly as Akai Gurley's death happened just four months after Eric Garner's death. When I look at this situation, I see a potential for change -- change that happens case by case through activists fighting for change, through the criminal justice system, and through precedents. Liang's conviction is a step towards justice.

In the midst of tragedy, one small thing I am glad about is that this has opened up a dialogue between my parents and me -- a dialogue they are usually immediately resistant towards having. I hope that my Chinese American friends will also use this opportunity as a way to start conversations with family members. I'm a proud Chinese American, and I think it's our responsibility to challenge our silence and call attention to our role in this fight.






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