My father just left, an hour ago. Leaving me with unparalleled wisdom. He held my baby for hours each day and gave me the space to rest.
"It is never a burden to me," he says softly. "I learn so much from holding a baby." He held me and my four brothers for years and he's teaching me how to hold mine now.
He holds her and watches her with such gentle patience. Making the observations that I had missed myself. "She likes to be held in this position first," he says to me. "Then she likes to be shifted like this. But the third time she cries, she is hungry."
My father is the one who taught me how to Observe and to draw much deeper connections. He sees the simplest and most fundamental things — and yet they are the things no one else takes time to see. He is the most intelligent man I have ever met and I am grateful to be in his presence.