厲害了,我的兒子! |
送交者: 謝盛友文集 2018年05月20日00:05:13 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話 |
恭喜你,你的學術論文發表在美國的物理雜誌上。昨天你電話里說,爸爸媽媽:謝謝你們對我的養育,如今於驊為人父,深知子女教育多麼重要。 Dear Dr. Edwar Xie: We are pleased to inform you that your article, "Compact 3D quantum memory," was published online today, 18 May 2018, in Applied Physics Letters (Vol.112, Issue 20). It may be accessed via the link below: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5029514 Compact 3D quantum memory Edwar Xie Superconducting 3D microwave cavities offer state-of-the-art coherence times and a well controlled environment for superconducting qubits. In order to realize at the same time fast readout and long-lived quantum information storage, one can couple the qubit both to a low-quality readout and a high-quality storage cavity. However, such systems are bulky compared to their less coherent 2D counterparts. A more compact and scalable approach is achieved by making use of the multimode structure of a 3D cavity. In our work, we investigate such a device where a transmon qubit is capacitively coupled to two modes of a single 3D cavity. The external coupling is engineered so that the memory mode has an about 100 times larger quality factor than the readout mode. Using an all-microwave second-order protocol, we realize a lifetime enhancement of the stored state over the qubit lifetime by a factor of6with a fidelity of approximately80%determined via quantum process tomography. We also find that this enhancement is not limited by fundamental constraints. http://aip.scitation.org/toc/apl/112/20 Published by the American Institute of Physics 如下寫於2008年6月29日: 父與子(6):畢業
我從餐館去黑格爾音樂廳, 妻子和兒子從家裡出發,本來跟他們說好的,讓他們在門口等我,可是,我在門口等了很久卻沒有見到他們的人影。 妻子終於出現了,我問:“兒子呢?” 進場過道上,中學生分發節目單。我順手接過來,找到位置後我看一下節目單: 親愛的兒子,九年來每年的這個時候你都表演,為你們中學的畢業典禮表演。今年你自己為自己演奏樂曲,爸爸媽媽聽不懂的樂曲。爸爸媽媽儘管聽不懂,19年來第一次認真地聽你演奏,聽了,爸爸笑了;聽了,媽媽哭了。 頒獎開始,當校長念到你的名字時,這回是爸爸哭了, 坐在爸爸旁邊的家長給我握手道賀。 總分1,0 至1,5之間的優秀學生將被市長接見。 兒子,你這麼好的成績如何得來的呢?上回爸爸上樓問你,在學什麼呢?你說:“在學物理,跟你說,你也不懂。” 林語堂問他的黑人學生,中國怎麼樣?黑人回答:偉大!再問為什麼;再回答:不懂。林語堂總結:原來是不懂,所以覺得偉大。 說起真正的豆芽,兒子你不懂。爸爸天天炒麵都使用豆芽。用豆芽炒麵,你不懂。那麼按照林語堂的邏輯,你不懂炒麵,我懂炒麵,在你的眼裡,爸爸不也是很偉大嗎? 今天星期天餐館不開工,爸爸一個人在這巴伐利亞的陽光下胡思亂想,突然間聽到你一個請求:“媽媽,你教我六個中餐,我已經會了六個西餐,這樣,我在慕尼黑跟同學在一起,就可以做飯吃了。” 兒子,聽了你對媽媽的請求,爸爸大膽地違反一下林語堂的邏輯:偉大就是會弄飯吃;會弄飯吃的人很偉大。 管他是物理豆芽還是真實豆芽。
abert88 2008-06-29 19:58:18 看得我心酸。流淚的媽媽,不懂的爸爸。
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