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Should adult children stay with their parents
送交者: jingchen 2018年10月01日16:11:52 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

Should adult children stay with their parents 

More than two thousand years ago in ancient China, several states were at wars with each other. The period was called Warring States. Once a state Zhao was attacked by  Qing. Zhao asked help from another state Qi. But Qi demanded hostage from the queen's young son before it can dispatch its army. In the old time, a state often demand hostages from royal family members of another state before they can take action. Otherwise, they could be cheated in a big way. 

But the queen loved her young son very much and refused to send him away as a hostage, despite her state  was under attack. Many ministers argued that the queen's young son should be sent. But the queen was adamant. At that time, an old and sick minister went to see the queen.

The old man asked about the queen's daughter, who was married far far away. Although the queen missed her daughter very much, she didn’t want her daughter come back to see her. Instead, she wished her daughter to stay where she was, to have children and establish herself. As a princess, the daughter would have the easiest life if she was not married and stayed with her parents. But still the parents wanted the daughter to marry away and establish her own family. 

Similarly, the queen's young son should establish himself by taking the responsibility at the time when his country is in emergency. Finally, the queen relented. Her son went to Qi as a hostage and Qi sent out army to rescue Zhao.

The story tells us that all young people should leave the comfortable protection from their parents to establish themselves. Even the royal families are no exceptions.

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