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How many red rivers are there?
送交者: jingchen 2019年08月02日21:29:41 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

How many red rivers are there?

Red River Valley is probably the most well known Canadian folk song. Red River is in Manitoba.

Colorado means red in Spanish. Colorado River is red river. Along Colorado River, there are a lot of red rocks and red dusts. The river used to be reddish. But after many dams are built on Colorado River, water flows slow down. River water often turns greenish.

Other than the more famous Colorado River, there is another Colorado River in Texas. That makes two red rivers.

The largest iron ore company in the world is called Rio Tinto. Tinto means red in Spanish. Rio Tinto is another red river.

There must be a lot of red rivers out there.

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