一個女孩騎自行車三百多公里去武漢測病毒 |
送交者: 萬湖小舟1 2020年02月15日20:11:15 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話 |
一個女孩騎自行車三百多公里去武漢測病毒 小舟按: 看到下面這個視頻,讓我好感動。為了讓一些西人朋友和我們的海二代們也能了解這個故事我扼要的把這個故事翻譯成了英語,並在視頻中加上了英文字幕。現在從英語折騰回來成漢語,語句可能有些不通順。請朋友們主要看視頻了解這個故事。 我也把這個視頻傳給了我的孩子。她很有感觸地給我說那是一位醫務工作者的責任心和義務感。向千千萬萬個逆行武漢去救死扶傷的醫務工作者致敬。 ------------------------------------------ A story about a girl biking over 300 km to get back to Wuhan to help patients
Translated by Xiaozhou on Feb. 15,2020 Let me briefly tell you the story:
The video is describing a story in which a girl in her early twenties biked over 300 km from her home village to Wuhan to go to work to help patients who are infected coronavirus. She works as a laboratory technician for a Wuhan hospital. She was visiting her parents on vacation prior to Chinese New Year. A few days later, since the coronavirus outbreak, Wuhan was locked down. All public transportation is shut down. During these days many patients with fever are pouring into her hospital, waiting to be assessed, to see if they are infected by the coronavirus. Her laboratory’s work load immediately increased. As she a healthcare professional, she feels obliged to return to work and help patients and assist her coworkers. In fact the hospital laboratory does need her, as only three people work in the laboratory, it is very difficult to test so many cases with limited staff. However, she cannot return to work easily, as there is no public transportation, and no taxi, nor carpool services will go to Wuhan, as the drivers fear to contact the virus. Therefore, if she chooses to stay at home instead of returning to work, nobody would blame her, as she has reasonable ground to do so and not to risk her health. However, with the strong obligation of a healthcare professional she decided to go back to Wuhan on a bicycle. It took her 4 days and three nights to arrive at her hospital. She also had to walk for many kilometers, as even a bicycle is prohibited in some regions. On the way many policemen were surprised why a girl was biking on some highways and streets, where there were very few vehicles at night. Not only did one policeman stops and questions her. Those policemen were moved by her story, they bought food and water for her and found a carpool for some parts of her journey. Eventually, she arrived to the front door of her hospital. Her supervisors and coworkers were surprised and touched. Now, the girl is busy with her work and tests over 20 samples a day. She hopes the epidemic will go away as soon as possible. Wuhan’s coronavirus outbreak threatens the lives of many people. However, a lot of healthcare professionals, military soldiers, scientists, etc. like the girl, tavelled to Wuhan to rescue and save lives, including international efforts. Wuhan will be successful in defeating the virus. We all bless Wuhan. 讓小舟扼要地告訴你這個故事 (小舟譯,2020年2月15日) 這個視頻講述了一個故事,一位二十出頭的女孩子從她的家鄉騎自行車300多公里返回武漢,回醫院上班,要去幫助受感新冠病毒感染的患者。女孩在武漢一家醫院擔任實驗室化驗師。 春節前,女孩正在休假從武漢回到家鄉探望父母。誰知幾天后,武漢因新冠狀病毒肺炎爆發而封城。所有進出武漢的公共交通均被關閉。 在這些日子裡,許多發燒疑似感染的患者湧入了她們的醫院,以確診否感染了新的冠狀病毒。她的實驗室立即面臨大量檢測任務。作為一名醫務工作者她感到有義務立即返回實驗室工作去幫助患者。實際上實驗室的確也需要她,實驗室里只有三個人在工作,她不在,僅由兩個人完成那麼多的檢測任務非常困難,尤其其中一位已上了年紀。 由於沒有公共交通她無法重返工作崗位。出租車司機害怕受感染,拒絕開車將她帶回武漢,搭順風車,沒有司機願意開往武漢。這時如果她選擇呆在家裡,沒有人會去責備她,她有合理的理由,而且不去上班對她來說更安全。 出於醫醫務工作者的責任心和義務感,她決定騎自行車返回武漢。她花了四天三夜才騎自行車回到醫院。有些路段她還必須走路,因為在這些地區甚至禁止騎自行車通行。 在路上,許多警察感到驚訝的是為什麼一個女孩子在晚間騎車行駛在個別的高速公路上和街道上,在這些特殊的日子裡這些道路上車輛和人跡稀少。不僅一位警察攔住了她,詢問原因。在她解釋了自己的故事後,這些警察被感動了。他們為她買了食物和水,並為她找到了一個在一些路段的順風車。 最終,她站在了她醫院的門口。她的領導和同事都感到到驚訝並為之感動。 現在,這個女孩子正在實驗室忙於工作,每天要測試200多個樣本。她希望疫情能夠儘快過去。 武漢爆發的新的冠狀病毒肺炎威脅到許多人的生命。但是,許多醫務工作者,軍人,科學家等都像這個女孩一樣,逆行在去武漢的道路上,去參加抗擊冠狀病毒的鬥爭,去挽救生命,其中也包括國際援助。 武漢一定會成功戰勝該病毒,我們都為武漢祝福。 |
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