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Fantasy and fantastic
送交者: jingchen 2022年10月14日13:46:20 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

Fantasy and fantastic

Most people think it is easier to work on trivial problems than on fundamental problems. This is not always the case.

Fundamental problems are the things we proclaim all the time, the things we are most familiar with. At the same time, the things we proclaim most are the things we probe least. Any probing is a suspect of blasphemy.

We love fantastic ideas, fantastic goals and fantastic future. A theory, or a theology, becomes popular because it is fantastic. The ones develop fantastic theories (theologies) become gods or prophets. But something fantastic is often, well, fantasy. It is easy to point out something fantastic is fantasy. But it is no easy life if you point out something fantastic is fantasy.

Contrary to popular myth, working on a fundamental problem is often easy. But living becomes difficult once working on fundamental problems.

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