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On global warming
送交者: jingchen 2022年11月30日06:35:21 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

On global warming


The idea of global warming, as part of the dominant idea, is the idea of the dominant class. With higher level of carbon dioxide and higher temperature, crops yields are higher; winter is less menacing.1,2  As a result, ordinary people are more independent and less dominated. That is why governments and media, controlled by the dominant class, call global warming a permanent emergency. Global warming is a top-down movement. Those high up have the least attachment to what is on the ground.


Global warming is beneficial globally and can be harmful regionally. Geologically, warmer periods are generally associated with booming life; colder periods are associated with declining life. Geographically, warmer areas, such as the United States, are more popular and more populous; colder areas, such as Canada, are less popular and less populous. Healthwise, January, the cold month, has the highest mortality rate; August, the hot month, has the lowest mortality rate. 3


Politically, the prominent global warming crusaders contribute most to global warming with their insatiable display of eco-friendly lifestyles. They always engage in “zero emission” activities, such as sailing across the Atlantic Ocean without motor power. These activities inevitably require big supporting teams and supporting activities, such as helicopter delivery, that consume a lot of fossil fuels. They fly around the world in their private jets, accompanied by armies of journalists, admonishing the lowly and less virtuous people everywhere for travelling in economic classes and contributing to global warming. Businesswise, carbon offset businesses and green businesses are among the most fraudulent businesses. There is a recent example how a green energy business is deforesting BC, making BC a less green place.4 


The mainstream climate change theory is no less corrupt than the mainstream economic theory. Mainstream climate change theory, together with medical system, will squander all the reputation of science, established over last several centuries.  


This is a general pattern. Anything with a good reputation will be appropriated by the dominant class for their own benefit. The level of reputation, as a fixed asset, will depreciate over time. From the perspective of economics, it is inevitable.  




1.     Princeton's William Happer rebuts myth of carbon pollution




2.     Dan Britt - Orbits and Ice Ages: The History of Climate




3.     Mortality rates by month



4.     Why wood from B.C. forests is burning to fuel U.K. energy needs 





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