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Some questions about AI
送交者: jingchen 2023年03月18日09:07:11 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

Some questions about AI

Could our world be a virtual world? Our world cannot be a virtual one. Virtual reality is extremely expensive to build. The current virtual reality technology is built on dedicated work of millions of people, which in turn is built on the hard work of billions of people. Simpl reality will be too costly to be built by virtual reality.

Will AI enslave humans? AI is already controlling our lives in a significant way, just look at the number of people glued on their cellphones. Our lifestyle, our opinions, and our sense of reality are increasingly shaped by AI. Yes. AI is a very effective tool for a small minority of elites to enslave the masses.

Will AI destroy humanity? In societies where AI is widely applied, fertility rates have dropped far below the replacement. Wherever AI is dominant, humanity is in decline.

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