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Moon and mood
送交者: jingchen 2023年04月24日08:24:41 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

Moon and mood

Legend has it that people are in better mood under full moon. In Chinese, there is a phrase old person under the moon (月下老人). Supposedly, an old person (old lady?) brokers marriage under the bright moon. Are moon and mood related?

Under full moon, the moon is directly above us. Its gravitational pull is strong. We will weight less. We are lighter and light hearted. This is probably why we are in good mood under full moon. That is nighttime.

In the daytime, the gravitational pull of the moon is strong around new moon. I guess people’s daytime mood could be better around new moon. But daytime is very busy, with many active hormones. The influence of lunar gravity could be less pronounced.

Some critical human activities, such as women’s monthly cycles, are regulated by the moon. The word mood itself could be related to moon.

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