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送交者: jingchen 2023年08月04日16:18:51 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话


Flash back I was ten in a ski lodge

Raising a riot karen getting pissed off

I got a front row seat to a lecture

No you couldnt care less what she thought

two peas in a peapod dreaming

 Kinda like the way we end up in our meetings

Lights out heads down im sleeping

im scheming

They call you the wild child 

Climbing up on tall crap

They tell you to slow down

Don’t know how to fall back

We do what we want to

Thinking we were all that

Some things never change though

We still think we’re all that

We still think we’re


Old soul you still so delinquent

Too smart to let common sense sink in

Hopping over guard rails what were you thinkin

You would turn around, and say No english

— whole world to explore and its yours for the taking

Make it the time of your life, no time to be wasted 

not afraid to share a space with the greatest

They call you the wild child 

Climbing up on tall crap

They tell you to slow down

Don’t know how to fall back

We do what we want to

Thinking we were all that

Some things never change though

We still think we’re all that

We still think we’re



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