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An Old Tree
送交者: jingchen 2024年03月30日06:42:52 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

An old tree

When you were growing up

I was in my prime

You climbed up my sturdy trunk

You ride on my strong branches

You shade under my lush leaves

Now you have long gone

You bring with your memory

The tall trunk

The sprawling branches

The vibrant leaves

But I am getting old

The sap of life sapped away

The drying trunk

The brittle branches

The sporadic leaves

The gentle breeze from the old days

Is getting violent

It blows away my leaves

It breaks down my branches

It cracks open my trunk

I try to stand firm

I try to remember

The days you were around

The days of your songs

Round and round

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2023: 視頻 北京男撿到烏龜養7年察覺不對