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How much money is in politics?
送交者: jingchen 2024年08月25日06:35:20 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

How much money is in politics?

The original budget of the Trans Mountain pipeline was seven billion dollars. The final cost was thirty five billion. Twenty eight billion went to politics. That is how profitable political activities are. 

That is why people are becoming more political. That is why the life of ordinary people are getting harder.

Description about the Trans Mountain pipeline from copilot.

The Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project, initially estimated at $7.4 billion when the federal government purchased it in 2018, has seen its cost soar significantly. The latest figures reveal that the project’s price tag has ballooned to $30.9 billionThis increase is attributed to factors such as global inflation, supply chain challenges, severe floods in British Columbia, unexpected archaeological discoveries, challenging terrain, and “unexpected” water disposal costs in the Sumas Prairie. It’s quite a leap from the original estimate! 

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