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The voting patterns of the highly educated
送交者: jingchen 2024年11月17日06:58:59 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

The voting patterns of the highly educated: An economic analysis 


The highly educated have high fixed costs. For the high fixed cost systems, they need large market size to break even and gain high return. To gain large market size, they often need to make their services essential, mandatory, and monopolistic. Only the governments have the power to make a service mandatory and monopolistic. Hence the highly educated naturally support big and powerful government. In US, they mostly vote for Democratic. In Canada, they mostly vote for Liberal. In China, they mostly vote for … Well, in China, they have been relieved of the burden of voting.


When the professionals make a service mandatory, they couldn’t claim it is for their own benefit. Instead, they have to claim it is for the benefit of the public. This claim implies that the public is stupid, at least poorly informed. The public don’t know what is good for them. The powerful have to make decisions for the public. The highly educated naturally lean towards authority and authoritarian system.







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