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Too ashamed to continue in Eng
送交者: 笪缑 2009月01月30日15:55:15 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: tu madre es una puta sin senosme3 于 2009-01-30 15:39:51
Too ashamed to continue in English? You should, loser! Take your garbage somewhere else where you belong.

Let me tell something else, son, never call your mom names. Got it? You scumbag!
  Is verbal defecation ur forte? - me3 01/30/09 (250)
    You really made me think hard - 笪缑 01/30/09 (286)
      yep, meatloaves r like that.  /无内容 - me3 01/30/09 (235)
        I think I lied about your mom - 笪缑 01/30/09 (149)
          igualmente.  /无内容 - me3 01/30/09 (142)
            You don't have to apologize - 笪缑 01/30/09 (154)
              Your delirium is evident. - me3 01/30/09 (147)
        I think I lied about you mom.. - 笪缑 01/30/09 (251)
          你这蠢驴,教养如斯,也骂不出什么水准了。  /无内容 - me3 01/30/09 (253)
            看你暴跳如雷的,也就这点能耐。还是别处玩去吧  /无内容 - 笪缑 01/30/09 (201)
              呵呵,这里挺好玩的, puto. - me3 01/30/09 (245)
                Asimismo! amigo.  /无内容 - 笪缑 01/30/09 (239)
                  no eres mijo, eres imbecile.  /无内容 - me3 01/30/09 (166)
                  打住打住,你绅士一把让他说最后一句, - celery 01/30/09 (239)
                    呵呵,就当我是你大爷才好  /无内容 - me3 01/30/09 (224)
                      别乱叫!谁稀罕做你大爷, you scumbag  /无内容 - 笪缑 01/30/09 (203)
                        谁稀罕做你大爷, you scumbag  /无内容 - me3 01/30/09 (188)
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