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I agree with you with no more
送交者: midwestmom 2008月07月20日08:09:38 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 老婆跟洋人跑了? 猥琐男的老婆不跑才怪NZFP 于 2008-07-20 06:04:32
Yes, You said what I want to say to this Chinese men. A lot of Chinese men are jealous us just because we find good love In US. They are just jealous! They live in US but think in Chinese, not in mainstream. say bad English. It is pity. Think about it. It is pity.

So that is why you and me can find real love in US. No surprise. Chinese men are not romantic and you can see it! They are just too jealous of us!
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