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I think you did miss my point
送交者: jty 2005年07月13日18:45:51 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

I was not talking about how to be successful in science. I was talking about how to be happy when pursuing a career. I also long to be successful. I work extremely hard because I want my experiments to work, and I want to make an impact in my field. However, my long term goal is to enjoy my science (I like it even when it is boring and tedious, so I agree with you that doing science is not for fun) and not to worry about being famous. When I was a graduate student, most of my classmates tried very hard to get into famous labs. I chose a young assistant professor as my advisor because I liked his work and him as a person. At the end I was one of the most productive students in my class. My success was due to my choice based on research interest, not on famous names. I did go to a famous lab for postdoc work since I had some specific ideas that I wanted to pursue and this lab was well funded. I also liked the mentor. He often tells us that the most important factor in chosing a project is to see if the project can answer your question, not if the topic is hot. So I completely agree with you that System Biology is just a hot field. In fact the lab that had impact on my son's decision to pursue science as a career was not a System Biology lab. He was kind of naive to choose System Biology as his field. I did worry about him. But now I am not because he does have some novel ideas and is using not only computational methods, but also biochemical and genetic approaches to tackle a very interesting problem. So he is question-driven not technology-driven, an important quality as a scientist. I believe he will become an excellent scientist.

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