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AMC, Mathcounts...小学生数学瞄准其类似比赛
送交者: kaixinmama 2019年03月06日17:27:40 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

AMC, Mathcounts...小学生数学就被瞄准其类似的比赛了,借

AMC/AIME cutoff的讨论也BSO一下:孩子mathclub来了新的volunteer coach,真是






Math Club Contests in Spring 

To explore MathCounts and AMC typed competitions, and to further improve our problem solving skills, 

all Elementary students of our math club are encouraged to attend one or all of the following math 

competitions in March and April. 

Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS) 
Mar-Apr 2019. Please register a team with your coach
Grades 4-8 in team setting

Individual Round: timed 10 problems 

Team Round: timed 10 problems 

Playoff Round: timed 5 problems

MOEMS is a large and popular math tournament in USA. It’s also a great preparation for your future 

MathCounts contests

Results are announced onsite right after your competition
Sample problems can be found @ www.moems.org 
Beestar National Competition (BNC) Mathematics Online for Grades 2-7
Mar 18-21, 2019, a 4-day online competition

As a popular online mathematics event since 2015, BNC is held twice a year Fall and Spring. BNC is 

a great preparation for your future MathCounts and AMCs

Similar as the Sprint and Target rounds in MathCounts, BNC has Round 1: DASH with 4 timed exams of 

10 problems ?Round 2: SPARK with 4 timed exams of 5 problems 

$7 per student. Please register @ www.beestar.org
Competition Honor Roll will be posted online
Math Kangaroo in USA held at registered centers since 1998
Competition date: Mar 21, 2019

Similar as in the AMC (American Mathematics Competition), Math Kangaroos has a single round of 75 

minutes contest

24 problems, timed for levels 1-4?30 problems, timed for levels 5-12

Math Kangaroos has helped students to reach their goals for 20 years. It is also a great preparation 

for future AMCs

Competition Honor Roll will be posted online
$21 per student. Please register @ www.mathkangaroo.us
The Math League has contests for Grades 4-8
Our contest is on 4th Friday of April for Grades 4 & 5 students
One round contest for 30 minutes
Your contest contains 30 multiple choice questions. You may not have enough time to finish them
Book awards and Certificates of Merit for top scores
Sample contests can be found @ www.mathleague.com

from wenxuecity

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