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送交者: 葉仙兒 2015年05月28日00:29:24 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

Forget Singapore.


The latest brain-mangling maths puzzle to hit the news is from Vietnam。


It’s posted above. You need to fill in the gaps with the digits from 1 to 9 so that the equation makes sense, following the order of operations - multiply first, then division, addition and subtraction last。


According to the VN Express, it was set as a problem for third graders in the town of Bao Loc in the Vietnamese highlands。


That’s eight year olds!


There is no complicated maths involved, only basic arithmetic. But it’s not a walk in the park。


“This problem is difficult even for adults good at math, so it will be difficult for students in grades 3, and even more challenging for students in the highlands,” teacher Tran Phuong told VN Express。


He added: “I sent the problem for some people, including a doctorate in economics with mathematics, but they have not given the answer。”


Vietnam does very well in the international PISA tables that compare 15-year-olds’ performance in maths, science and reading. Vietnam ranks 17 in maths and 8 in science, which outperforms many Western countries like the UK (26 and 20) and US (36 and 28)。


No wonder if they are given problems like this..。.


Can you do it?


Here is one of the solutions from a commenter at Gizmodo: There are other possible solutions, but the first one I came up with was: 6, 9, 3, 5, 2, 1, 7, 8, 4 in that order ... How I got to it was assigning each blank to a letter and writing the whole thing as an equation then grouping like terms。

以下是Gizmodo網站一位網友給出的答案:可能還有別的解法,但我最先想到的是:空格中依次填6, 9, 3, 5, 2, 1, 7, 8, 4。我用字母代替每一個空格,然後把整個等式列出來,再進行同類項合併。

So... a+13(b/c)+d+12e-f+(gh/i)-21=66.


Then you add 21 to both sides and a+d-f+13(b/c)+12e+(gh/i)=87. And since you’re limited to plugging in numbers between 1-9 for a-i, you see that there’s only so many combinations that will yield numbers close to 87. So then you start guessing and checking how large you have to make the various numbers to make it work. You need smaller numbers in the denominators and the subtraction and larger numbers being multiplied。

給算式兩邊都加21,就得出a+d-f+13(b/c)+12e+(gh/i)=87。字母a到i的空格中只能填入1到9 的數字,計算結果能得出87的變化組合也就那麼多。所以你就可以邊猜邊調整,最後得出正好的結果。分母和減號後面的數字要小一些,乘號後面的數字要大一 些。


brain-mangling: 費腦筋的,燒腦的

walk in the park: 很容易的事

like terms: 同類項

denominator: 分母

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