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about reading
送交者: muchomoney 2006年01月24日18:30:48 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

after reading comments from MOT and gd2, I have something to say about reading. I don't think reading a lot is a big deal to most people.

example #1: an extreme one :) the great wise man does not read every day, he spent most of his time traveling, working, and teaching.. great ideas primarily come from doing working, interacting with people, and solving people's problems..

example #2: Einstein says something like this before: and I can't quote, the beauty lies in the details (the nitty-gritty)

Reading too much makes one become a nerds. One to needs to go down, to swim without safeguards, to challenge, to go where no man has gone before :) Excellency come from experience, from working knowledge, from interaction with different people. to make more money, one has to do more deals, and not to be afraid to lose all the time; to invent, one has to continue to practice by trials and errors; to discover, one has to experiment more...

two or three hundred yrs ago, reading is a hobby of rich people in europe, it is a luxary, and it is rather a pastime activity.

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