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21世紀新政21st Century New Deal(h
送交者: haxesn_001 2023年06月25日02:27:50 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

21世紀新政21st Century New Deal
( 前言:孫中山旗下唯一有利兩岸和平統一且各方都易接受的,改革西式政體一切政黨社團參政議政都不執政的,即只有執政智者平穩更換而無執政政黨大動盪更換的,中西結合優化五權分立的,(民)選(科)舉智者治國的21世紀和平新政,中國可先行,從"民主"發展而走向"智主"!崇尚智慧治理社會,"民主"是"智主"的初級階段,"民主"也是選能人,非獨裁的任人為親,是智者治理社會"智主"的雛形。現實世界應先由智慧群體主導,逐步發展虛擬世界“元宇宙”系統,最終實現無人智慧體系協助現實智慧群體治理社會的最佳體制。以下“【】”內文字為非正文內容的說明)
      20世紀蘇聯的消亡和東歐的大變革,使這21世紀初的現中國大陸成為世界關注的最主要焦點和影響新世紀和平文明發展的關鍵。特別是大陸這些年對外意識形態普遍大規模輸出,震撼整個世界;全球對本世紀十幾年裡兩次嚴重病毒疫情的反思;美中關係惡化實際已打響人類意識形態領域最後的冷戰甚至有引發熱戰危險;海峽兩岸也有觸發衝突大風險;香港的動盪;與南海鄰國關繫緊張,世界和平受到嚴重挑戰。大陸經濟急速下滑衰退,內外矛盾激化使高端深感前所未有的嚴重危機,高端甚至反覆提高到防“亡黨”的嚴重程度。美國發展到以禁止高科技芯片進入中國大陸的要害制裁,遏制和衰萎大陸發展,高端強調過毛時代“緊日子 ”。其實美國這種高科技芯片要害制裁只能維持” 僅僅幾年“ ,IBM公司早宣布研發量子計算機商用等等高科技飛速發展可證明,標誌着可以無需現行芯片非僅僅是現行計算機的多元高科技時代將開始,新的同時起跑狀態將呈現,問題是,不要在這 ” 僅僅幾年“  就倒下!“21世紀和平新政”就是唯一理想而有效的救急。包括中共上下在內的幾乎國內外所有人都很清楚,大陸已到必須政治體制改革的時候了,大變革將是民意世潮下的必然結果。中國大陸內外即全球正合力促成這人口大國的大變革大復興,這也為中國開創新政治體制提供了一次最佳機會。中國先行,從“民主”走向“智主”,智者群體主導,並由無人智慧體系輔助主導!
       綜合各政體和各國現實,絕大多數國家改革或變革選擇了西方政體,但西方政體固有的越來越明顯的缺陷已成為有人攻擊、拒絕或懷疑的理由。這也是近年來西方國家出現了寬容那必將滅亡的獨裁專制政府的左派當選,是不少選民失去信心的表現和原因。不僅如此,西方現政體的缺陷還有:  很難產生最佳決策而大多是不優不劣成心對抗後的折衷方案使施政不理想選民失去信心;財團商界巨頭對政治影響過大;對立政黨輪流執政決策易翻來覆去勞民傷財前後混亂選民也易失去信心; 並不只是幾人而是幾黨幾大群體竟爭最高權力,強對抗易使社會撕裂更易使選民失望;另外還有競選的形象口才和資金作用偏重,不利於博才寡言的理論家和不利於無大財團資助的競選人;大多數博才的卻不善辯的競選人易被僅僅是形象口才好的競選人擊敗等等;西式政體弱點最明顯的例子,在伊拉克之類的國家就完全失敗,根本無法解決誓不兩立的多黨多教派的和平執政問題;還有俄國和美英法德等西方甚至世界各國政壇媒體最高端政客及左派,被極左Antifa等組織的全球總後台暗地收買,極左慣用的腐敗這“靈丹妙藥”不僅收買拉攏一批大陸高官,還長期不斷收買拉攏大批各國高官。如聯合國的人權等組織、WHO、美國兩黨、推特、臉書、VOA和華爾街等數屆要員,被收買為腐敗統治辯護或服務極為普遍。美國政壇巨商媒體等各界各機構幾乎全被最黑惡勢力極左的全球總後台暗地腐蝕收買,大有徹底顛覆美國體制之勢。2020的美國總統大選時,兩大黨中就有不少要員政客,被收買後的極端做法可謂“文革“2.0國際版,全球政黨政治腐敗已崩潰,美國憲法危機鑄成惡果之後,將會逐步掀起尋求"21世紀新政"熱。        
       動盪震撼世界的的美國2020大選,全球政黨政治腐敗已崩潰,也揭示了這21世紀初的人類信仰危機,有神論與無神論及極右與極左的交鋒已至生死決鬥登鋒造極。其實與人戰勝自然的創舉相似,非自然或超自然的"神"力是有的,人不能自以為至極,在無限之中"人"與"自然"是有限的定義。不過這個"超神"或其"化身"不會是凡間人類,一切活佛神話都是虛構。不同的觀察和分析方法會有不同的形態和規律等局限結果。因此值得強調的是,實質與真理是無窮多的有限條件下科學描述之和,乃神深無窮大。生命只是物質運動和存在的無窮多形式之一. 未知微世界和未知宏世界的"未知生命"、“超生命”或超生命之極限即“超神”, 都不能用已知生命來定義、分析和尋找。全球各宗教應就此,深化整合真實定義“天主”“上帝”等極限之“超神”的信仰,最終應合由智慧體系主導。在人類未消滅戰爭和邪惡之前絕對有這整合信仰的必要。發現和找出規律是神聖美妙的,探索必有錯出錯也有其價值之處。為此信神的人不妨猜想,也許唐山大震、日本和台灣不斷的地震,或許是神知極左、軍國主義和台獨撕裂社會的危險而起的搔動吧,中國人常言"老天有眼"或許是“不完全歸納法”的結論,我看"老天也無情",至少是它與人間對情的定義無法一樣。還是積德才能心安理得,如數千年之中原大陸是華人祖宗牢靠的根據地,就象地球是人類的根據地一樣應當保全,不可分裂和破壞。  一切需要和平,一切基於科學,一切為了發展。
       新的世紀隨文明和教育的發展,應以法治和德理相結合,法治的存在旨在維護社會公德,應以公法與公德的社會治與理相結合,即法治與德理,治標與理本相結合;以民眾與學者、民意與學理相結合,如公民直選與學者科舉的選與舉相結合;以東西方文明及各民族文化精華相結合,開創高速發展的新21世紀,智者群體主導,並由無人智慧體系輔助主導。中國是影響新世紀和平文明發展的關鍵,人們也普遍希望中國大變革應該和平過渡避免付出巨大社會成本和沉重代價,新世紀社會變革更要終止殺人流血。旨在也包括左翼的更多中國人歡迎和接受的,  不完全西化中西結合的,有利兩岸和平統一的,最佳選擇必是都相聚在中共也一貫崇敬的孫中山先生的旗幟下,完善健全和發展孫中山的五權分立體制,實施本文倡導的21世紀和平新政。這一使命由中共真改革派完成所付代價則最小,應當引起他們的高度關注,勸其為國為民勇於擔當。 倒退則是自取滅亡,必是遺臭萬年的中華民族的大罪人。中共改革派和大多數黨員也不會願意被往往只可能得勢一時的極左倒退勢力捆綁連累,中共改革派要去做的第一件事是促成落實中共曾在聯合國簽署的《世界人權宣言》包括中共所立憲法的基本人權和自由。【中共也許有人會說這是使黨變色,那這幾十年變的色還少嗎?不是那些名“社”實“資”的變色不就早和前東歐蘇聯一樣完蛋了嗎?既是如此無可否認就再變最後一次又何妨?而且已是面臨無法逃避的大變革前夜,天堂與地獄只一念一步之差!“資本主義社會”其實是來源於馬克思主義的貶義詞,是指西方自由民主社會。】只有中國完成了順民意世潮的大變革,才是開創21世紀全新的和平文明世界的開始!
       否定全盤西化改革西方民主制,加入東方元素,將孫中山先生的西式完全政黨政治較濃厚的五權分立體制,進一步改革為不完全政黨政治。中國古代就有“結黨營私”一說,所有政黨社團參政議政都不執政,無執政黨和在野黨之分, 避免執政黨自身權益高於國家及一切的完全政黨政治弊病。除了那拒絕政改變革而要倒退的是主動自殺,將不會有執政黨下台被動推翻消亡或執政地位被他黨取代的艱險和痛苦從而長存久安。【這是中共唯一可選擇的避免亡黨的主動體面而又圓滿的過渡,  是和平自救或重整求生的唯一有利有效的辦法。包括中共在內的幾乎所有世人都認為中共政治體制改革已到盡頭,再真政改只會亡黨或改名,這裡提出的新政則是使其可不亡黨也可不改名的唯一圓滿理想的辦法,而且在這轉型過程中中共仍可能會是人數第一大黨。】中共轉型為參政議政黨,同樣如此,海內外華人其他政黨社團也應放棄爭取執政的目標也僅參政議政,為全中華復興和和平統一。發揮高尚的政治智慧和修養,修改各自政黨社團和要員個人的利益訴求,放棄過高權力欲望更改奮鬥目標,以兩岸各地全中國各族人民的利益為重,為世界樹立榜樣。【若如此,可以說歷史進程偏偏給中共以任何政黨社團都不易有的改革出新型政體真正復興中華的優先機會,應當明智果斷地把握住,失之必然逃不過亡黨有的受審被徹底清算的命運。強烈呼籲大陸高端:面對嚴峻的政治經濟和社會局勢,凡能促成大陸實施"21世紀和平新政"者,不論之前政跡如何,這才是爾此生能載入史冊為民做的好事,可令智蘘和專家們就此論證,機不可失!】
 1,改革孫中山先生提出的五權分立和西式三權分立為三府合政: (1)由新科舉考試後全民“國策”大選即“智慧”大選出的“行政府”(可簡稱官府),其各機構和職能與西式三權分立之行政相似;(2)民選即全民針對“提案”而大選出的,不需新科舉考試的旨在立法的“議政府”(可簡稱民府),其各機構和職能與西式三權分立之議會相似;(3)新科舉考試不需民選的具多重製衡權的“理政府”(可簡稱士府),理政府包括行使提供全民免費的教育院、醫療院等生存權【中共強調的】;文物院、(包括專利的)私產院和(包括國土的)資源院等資產權;科學院、(包括公德獎罰和智庫的)德智院和考試院等考試權;檢查院、廉政院和法院等司法權;(包括報刊和網絡的)傳媒院、誠信院和監察院等監察權等的,組成鬆散結合的理政府,因此,理政府還具有小部分專業性極強的行政功能和部分西式議會參議院功能。
 6,以轄內註冊的各黨各派各社團身份或個人身份之參選者,經資格審查後均可角逐中央議政府和各省(特區)議政府議員,經由所轄選民選出不需科舉考試,當選屆次不限。參加有政黨色彩或有意識形態取向的議政府“提案”大選,與行政府無濃厚政黨色彩無意識形態取向的“國策”大選不同。其正副議長由議政府當屆議員選出得票多者擔任,中央議政府議員加各省(特區)正副議長的總人數與另兩府參加三府聯席會議的人數相當。【不會被動推翻或消亡的而只要回歸一度曾放棄暴力革命和階級鬥爭等教條的現共產黨,放棄違憲易撕裂社會的台獨主張的民進黨和孫中山開創的國民黨等以及經轄內註冊的海內外華人政黨社團,  都可在兩岸各地發展並競選各級議政府正副議長或議員。】
 10,新政為民選和科舉有分有合的“三式選舉制”,既順民意而又規範於學理,   既“提案”大選和“國策”(智慧)大選的對比交織進而優化,也有利於博才寡言的理論家和靈話善辯的活動家及兩者兼優人才都有發輝和貢獻的機會。這新政的民選與科舉不受年齡,姓別、民族、黨派、貧富、形象和口才等局限,公平合理,遠強於現西式選舉。
      黨不執政與軍不從政同理合理, 易天下太平避免社會撕裂,避免政變和動亂,和平且安全。【若中共實施本新政宣言,可能有兩三年以上過渡期在多黨群體選出的新政籌備委員會中主政,包括完成籌備期突擊新科舉考試及籌備大選等,為21世紀和平新政奠基。中共也可讓香港立即啟動先行試點,這也是解決香港大難題的一勞永逸最理想的方案。很明顯,香港西式政黨想爭得執政權是中共不願香港普選的最主要原因,而這一切政黨社團參政議政都不執政的,即只有執政智者平穩更換而無執政政黨大動盪更換的,"21世紀和平新政"正是擺在中共面前的一理想台階,是唯一圓滿解決香港問題的雙贏方案!而且此和平新政一經普遍傳播,中共很大可能最終也在大陸只能作這一最理想選擇。全國和全香港人要齊心協力集中精力追求新政這一可行而又避免社會動盪易於各方接受的和平政改訴求!】這中西結合不完全政黨政治的高智商群體智者治國的,優於現西方民主制的真正理想而先進的新型政體,能讓中國人也真正感受且超越美國人所一直感受的,對國家、社會及政治制度的自信和驕傲,並為包括美國在內的世界樹立榜樣!也是世界真正進入新和平文明世紀的里程碑。由21世紀新政將導致——從"民主"走向"智主"!崇尚智慧治理社會,"民主"是"智主"的初級階段,"民主"也是選能人,非獨裁的任人為親,是智者治理社會"智主"的雛形。現實世界應先由智慧群體主導,逐步發展虛擬世界“元宇宙”系統,最終實現無人智慧體系協助現實智慧群體治理社會---人類的終極體制!【希望大家全面廣泛地討論,求得最大共識,以創新完善決定全中國乃至全人類命運的21世紀和平新政】。
起草人:赫連禾   2019.8.6  (20世紀90年代初稿 2023年2月28曰修改)


 “21世紀新政宣言”: pastebin.com/bDdKMaHx 或 matters.news/@hliagh  或 gist.github.com/Hliagh
 21st Century New Deal
Human beings will move from "democracy" to "intelligent dominance", led by the wise, and ultimately led by the assistance of unmanned intelligent systems.
Strongly appeal to the high-end political circles: first promote the implementation of the "new deal of peace in the 21st century" in China, and it will be famous in history!The amazing words of "Martian boy" and "Chinese saints will save the world" are indeed: old man helianhe has studied all his life to build a new policy of saving China and benefiting the world, denying overall westernization, reforming the western style regime, which is acceptable to the officials and people on both sides of the Chinese and Western continents, moving from "democracy" to "wisdom led" and advocating the "new deal of peace in the 21st century" of wisdom governing the society
Initiatives of the 21st Century Peace New Deal:Those who copied the "Declaration of the 21st Century Peace New Deal" on the Internet, or helped to nominate the "Declaration" and its executive leaders to win the Nobel Peace Prize nominatio,will be recorded as a member of the Salvation Group.Aims to make the "Declaration" a household name, and finally implement it on a global scalew;"Obama gangsters " manipulated elections, Treason became president, and global "party politics" corrupted and collapsed, will set off the "21st Century New Deal" fever!  
pastebin.com/bDdKMaHx 或 matters.news/@hliagh  或 gist.github.com/Hliagh
     Declaration on a new deal for peace in the 21st century                   【Subject to the original Chinese   】
---Under Sun Yat Sen's banner, the only new peace deal in the 21st century that is conducive to cross-strait reunification and acceptable to all parties, reforms the western style regime, does not govern all political parties and associations, optimizes the separation of five powers through the integration of China and the west, elects by the people and the imperial examination, and governs the country by the wise. China takes the lead, From "democracy" to "leading by the wise"! Advocating wisdom to govern the society, the real world is first led by the wisdom group, and gradually develops the virtual world "meta universe" system, and finally realizes the unmanned wisdom system to assist the real wisdom group to govern the society---the ultimate system of mankind.
The collapse of the Soviet Union in twentieth Century and the great changes in Eastern Europe made the mainland of China become the focus of world attention and the key to the development of peace and civilization in the new century in the early twenty-first Century. In particular, the mainland's foreign ideology has been exported on a large scale in recent years, shaking the whole world; Countries all over the world have reflected on the two serious virus outbreaks in the mainland in the past ten years of this century; The deterioration of us China relations has actually started the last cold war in the field of human ideology, and there is even a risk of hot war; There is also a great risk of triggering conflict between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait; Turbulence in Hong Kong; Tensions with neighboring countries in the South China Sea have seriously challenged world peace. The mainland's economy is declining rapidly, internal and external contradictions are intensifying, and the high-end feels an unprecedented serious crisis. The high-end even repeatedly rises to the severity of preventing the "collapse of the party". The US has developed to the key sanctions against high-tech chips entering the Chinese mainland, curbing and weakening the development of the mainland, and emphasizing the "tight days" in the Mao era. In fact, the key sanctions against high-tech chips in the United States can only be maintained for "only a few years". IBM announced last year that a few years later, the rapid development of high-tech such as quantum computer commerce can prove that it marks the beginning of a diversified high-tech era that does not need current chips, not just current computers, and a new starting state at the same time. The problem is, Don't fall down in just a few years“ The "new deal for peace in the 21st century" is the only ideal and effective emergency. Almost everyone at home and abroad, including the Communist Party of China, knows that the time has come for the mainland to reform its political system, and great changes will be the inevitable result of the tide of public opinion. Chinese mainland and abroad are working together to create a great change and great renaissance for the first big country. This also provides a best opportunity for China to create a new political system. 
Based on the reality of various regimes and countries, the vast majority of countries choose the Western regime for reform or transformation, but the increasingly obvious defects inherent in the Western regime have become the reason for some people to attack, reject or doubt. This is also the election of leftists in western countries who tolerate the authoritarian and autocratic government that will perish in recent years, which is the manifestation and reason why many voters lose confidence. Moreover, the defects of the western modern regime include: it is difficult to produce the best decision-making, and most of them are the compromise scheme after intentional confrontation, which makes the voters lose confidence in the poor governance; Consortia and business giants have too much influence on politics; The decision-making of opposing political parties in power in turn is easy to turn over and over, waste people and money, and the confusion before and after the election is also easy to lose confidence; Not just a few people, but several parties and groups compete for the highest power. Strong confrontation is easy to tear the society apart and disappoint the voters; In addition, the image, eloquence and financial role of the campaign are biased, which is not conducive to knowledgeable theorists and candidates without financial support from large consortia; Most talented but not eloquent candidates are easily defeated by candidates who are only good at image and eloquence, and so on; The most obvious example is the complete failure of the western style regime in countries such as Iraq, which can not solve the problem of multi-party and multi sectarian peaceful governance; In addition, the most high-end politicians and leftists in the political media of Russia, the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries in the world are secretly bought by the global general backstage of extreme left anti and other organizations. The "panacea" of corruption used by the extreme left not only buys and woos a number of senior officials from the mainland, but also buys and woos a large number of senior officials from various countries for a long time. For example, it is very common for the United Nations and its human rights organizations, who, the two parties in the United States and VOA to be bribed to defend or serve corrupt rule. Under the covert bribe of the extreme left global general backstage of the most evil forces in modern times, the black and evil forces in American politics, such as the media, surged up when Clinton was in power. Moreover, when Obama and Biden were in power, the black and evil forces generally grew in an all-round way. Almost all the institutions and departments in American politics, such as the media, were corrupted and bribed by the extreme left, which has the potential to completely subvert the American system. Black and evil party politics, such as "Kennedy assassination incident", "Obama gate", "Hillary mail gate", "Biden father and son gate" and "Pelosi computer gate", are dark and ugly events one after another. The most typical Obama, Biden and he Jinli and their private enterprises are bought by the far left and other governments. Obama even hinted to leave the United States and go to Canada to escape criminal responsibility, The world should pay high attention! In his early years, Bush Sr. of the Republican Party even tolerated the bloody world shaking events of dictators for the sake of trade and self-interest. They all abandon their principles in order to combat political enemies and for their personal and political party interests, regardless of national interests; Even in the United States, some city councils have adopted absurd actions such as abolishing the police station or establishing a short-lived extreme left government, which makes street riots, beating, smashing and looting more likely in election years; Kissinger was also bribed to go to Chongqing to support the extreme left. Bo Xilai won power and sang red for the extreme left many times, which is even more absurd. In the 2020 U.S. presidential election, politicians of the two major parties and most U.S. media have been bought by the global far left general backstage for a long time. The extreme practice can be described as the "Cultural Revolution" 2.0 international version. After the Obama Gang, which is critical and shocked the United States and the world, manipulates the election and the traitor becomes the president, the global political corruption of political parties has collapsed, and the consequences of the U.S. constitutional crisis, there will be a heat of "new deal in the 21st century".
The western style regime is not an ideal system that benefits the country and the people. The western style regime is bound to reform and improve, which makes it more necessary to pay attention to the development of Sun Yat Sen's examination and supervision of the separation of five powers. We will reform the western style regime, and all political parties and associations will not be in power when they participate in and discuss government affairs. We will integrate China and the west, optimize the separation of five powers, run the country by the wise people elected by the people and the imperial examination, and implement a new peace deal in the 21st century that denies overall Westernization as the only strong evidence in the world. In addition, the United States has an unlimited spread of mixed race national gray race. The result is obvious. In a few years, the United States will have no white, yellow and black people, and will eventually be all "gray" hybrids. Pure people can disappear in one country, but can not be popularized in other countries. The protection of earth species, especially human race, is a top priority for mankind, aiming at a colorful and perfect ideal future for mankind. Therefore, this also proves that the "American model" is not the best example. There is no need to follow the Taiwan model of serious opposition between various factions and society, which is detrimental to peace and threatens regional security. Taiwan's sense of Taiwan independence, where earthquakes occur frequently, is actually towards cutting off its ancestors and grandchildren. Japan is also an earthquake prone island. It can be seen from Japan's modern history that over the years, many senior decision-makers have expansion ambitions to invade the land of North and South Korea and China, because they know that their children and grandchildren will eventually die in an earthquake. Therefore, they are also worried about Japan's Island by savagely invading the mainland and other places out of selfishness. However, Lee Teng Hui, who is pro Japanese, is different. To create a crisis of Taiwan independence that is detrimental to social peace, is actually a short-sighted view that abandoning the mainland will lead many families to sever their ancestors and grandchildren. It only caters to the ignorance of the visionless class, and is also detrimental to regional security and world peace.
The turbulent 2020 election in the United States shocked the world, the Obama Gang manipulated the election and the traitor became the president, and the global political party political corruption has collapsed. It also reveals the human belief crisis at the beginning of the 21st century. The confrontation between theism and atheism and extreme right and extreme left has reached the climax of life and death duel. In fact, similar to man's creation of conquering nature, there are unnatural or supernatural "divine" forces. Man can't think of himself as the extreme. In infinity, "man" and "nature" are limited definitions. However, this "God" or its "incarnation" will not be mortal human beings. All living Buddha myths are fictional. The concept of "n-order universe" or "n-order world" can be introduced. Whenever the known micro world is regarded as n-order N1 and the known macro world is regarded as n-order NN, then humans can only know N1 to NN. In addition, n-1, n-2, n-3... And N + 1, N + 2, N + 3... Will never be known. Different observation and analysis methods will have different forms and laws. Therefore, it is worth emphasizing that essence and truth are infinite. Under limited conditions, the sum of scientific descriptions is infinite. Life is only one of the infinite forms of material movement and existence. The "unknown life", "super life" or the limit of super life, namely "God", of the unknown micro world and the unknown macro world can not be defined, analyzed and searched by the known life. In other words, human beings can constantly discover and acquire such knowledge, but will not finally find the limit "gene" below the cell gene or the limit "Superman" above Superman. In this regard, all religions around the world should deepen the integration of the true definition of "God", "God" and other extreme "Superman", that is, the belief of "Superman", and finally should be dominated by the wisdom system! It is absolutely necessary to integrate and believe before human beings eliminate war and evil. Discovering and finding out the law is sacred and wonderful. There must be mistakes in exploration, and there is also its value. Therefore, people who believe in God may wish to guess that the Tangshan earthquake, the continuous earthquakes in Japan and Taiwan, or the scratch caused by God's knowledge of the danger of extreme left, militarism and Taiwan independence tearing apart society. The Chinese people often say that "God has eyes" may be the conclusion of "incomplete induction". I think "God is also ruthless", at least it is different from the definition of love in the world. Only by accumulating virtue can we feel at ease. For example, the Central Plains has been a reliable base for Chinese ancestors for thousands of years. Just as the earth is a human base, it should be preserved and cannot be split and destroyed.
For the sake of world peace, the declaration of the new deal for peace in the 21st century advocates and announces the launch of a long-term and lasting "global peace action": 1. Before mankind has eliminated evil and war, it is necessary to vigorously popularize the world and deepen the integration of the true definition of "God", "God" and other extreme "Superman", that is, the "supernatural" belief of "truth, goodness and beauty"; 2. Adhere to "truth, goodness and beauty", the highest and most basic "universal value" of mankind so far; 3. In addition to beheading the culprits of the first war, it is prohibited to fight a war of death and injury, and all explosive killing weapons, including bombs, nuclear bombs, missiles, bullets and guns, are prohibited. In ancient times, war caused the most casualties to civilians without defense ability, followed by soldiers, and the highest decision-maker was the safest; In modern times, wars do not target civilians, and the proportion of casualties between civilians and soldiers has changed, but they are still the highest decision-maker and the safest; In the new century, the declining war should not aim at civilians and soldiers, but at decision-makers. Weapons should develop in the direction of decapitation of single target high-precision strike and complex and accurate cruise. The life cost of war is concentrated among decision-makers. Only in this way will the war die out. Everything needs peace, everything is based on science and everything is for development.
In the new century, with the development of civilization and education, we should combine the rule of law with morality and reason. The existence of the rule of law aims to maintain social morality. We should combine the social governance and reason of public law and morality, that is, the rule of law and morality, and the treatment of symptoms and root causes; The combination of people and scholars, public opinion and academic theory, such as the combination of citizen direct election and scholar imperial examination; With the combination of eastern and Western civilizations and the essence of all ethnic cultures, a new high speed development of the new twenty-first Century led by a wise group led to an unmanned intelligent system. China is the key to the development of peaceful civilization in the new century. People also generally hope that China's great changes should make a peaceful transition to avoid paying huge social costs and heavy costs, and the social changes in the new century should put an end to bloodshed. The best choice is to gather under the banner of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, who has always been respected by the Communist Party of China, improve and develop Dr. Sun Yat Sen's three-dimensional system of five powers, and implement the new deal of peace in the 21st century advocated in this paper. This mission is completed by the true reformers of the Communist Party of China, and the cost is the least. They should pay close attention to it and persuade them to bear it for the country and the people. Retrogression is self destruction and must be the great sin of the Chinese nation. The Chinese Communist reformers and most party members are not willing to be tied up and implicated by the extreme left retrogressive forces that are often only likely to gain power for a while. The first thing the Chinese Communist reformers want to do is to promote the implementation of the Universal Declaration of human rights signed by the Chinese Communist Party at the United Nations, including the basic human rights and freedoms of the constitution established by the Chinese Communist Party. Only when China completes the great changes that conform to the trend of public opinion will it be the beginning of creating a new peaceful and civilized world in the 21st century. 
Denying the overall westernization, reforming western democracy, adding Oriental elements, and further reforming Dr. Sun Yat Sen's three-dimensional system of five powers with strong Western-style complete party politics into incomplete party politics. The "faith" of any political party and association is by no means equal to the "national policy". There was a saying of "forming a party for personal gain" in ancient China. All political parties and associations are not in power when they participate in and discuss state affairs, and there is no distinction between the ruling party and the opposition party. We should avoid the political ills of the ruling party whose rights and interests are higher than the state and everything. Except that those who refuse to change the political reform and want to regress are active suicide, there will be no danger and pain of the ruling party stepping down, passively overthrowing and disappearing, or the ruling position being replaced by other parties, so as to remain safe for a long time. The Communist Party of China has transformed into a party participating in and discussing state affairs. Similarly, other Chinese political parties and associations at home and abroad should give up their goal of striving for governance, only participate in and discuss state affairs, give full play to their noble political wisdom and cultivation, modify the interest demands of their respective political parties, associations and dignitaries, give up their excessive desire for power and change their goals for the rejuvenation and peaceful reunification of the whole China, We should attach importance to the interests of the people of all ethnic groups on both sides of the Strait and set an example for the world.
      The Chinese must all hope that China will be reunified peacefully, rejuvenate a civilized, prosperous and powerful country, and even become the first power. This great mission also requires the joint efforts of all Chinese, political parties, associations and politicians around the world. This is the only intelligent group under Sun Yat Sen that is conducive to cross-strait reunification and acceptable to both sides of the Strait, that optimizes the separation of five powers through the integration of China and the west, that really implements the right of examination, that the wise govern the country, that all political parties and associations participate in politics, that are not in power, that is, incomplete party politics, and that negates the overall Westernization as the only strong argument in the world, And optimize, reform and improve the new peace deal in the 21st century, which can even be described as saving the modern western regime. Mankind will move from "democracy" to "intelligent master", dominated by the group of wise people. The "three government co governance" system of China's pioneer, scholar assisted democracy, with decentralization as the means and co governance as the purpose, and its structure is summarized as follows:
1. The western style separation of five powers proposed by Dr. Sun Yat Sen The reform of the separation of powers into "three political cooperation": (1) the "administrative government" (hereinafter referred to as the "government") produced by the "wisdom" general election after the new imperial examination, its institutions and functions are similar to the administrative management of the separation of powers in the western style (2) universal suffrage is a legislative "consultative government" (hereinafter referred to as the "people's government"), which is controlled by all the people according to the "faith" Elected without the need for a new imperial examination, Institutions and functions are similar to the western style parliament with the separation of powers. (3) the new imperial examination does not need to elect a "rational government" with multiple checks and balances (which can be called scholar government). Rational government includes the free exercise of the right to survival of educational institutions and medical institutions by the whole people; cultural relics institutions, private property institutions (including patents) and resource institutions The property rights (including land and resources); the examination rights of academies of Sciences, moral education (including public morality rewards and punishments), think tanks and examination institutes; judicial powers, such as inspection courts, clean government courts and courts; and the regulatory powers of media colleges, integrity colleges and regulatory Colleges (including newspapers and networks) constitute a loosely integrated administrative government. Therefore, "rational government" There are also a small number of highly specialized administrative functions and some western style parliamentary and Senate functions.
 2. The term of office of each government is four years, the general election of the executive government and the deliberative government is once every four years, and the new imperial examination is once every two years. Those who take part in the imperial examination must be doctoral candidates from famous universities within the specified scope of qualification examination such as physical examination, integrity and criminal record. They can take part in the imperial examination for up to three times regardless of whether they have served in the imperial examination. The subjects of the new imperial examination are administration, management, political science, law and economics, with auxiliary questions, that is, all many disciplines. The new imperial examination is an examination of questions exceeding the limit number and scope, and a talent IQ test (this talent IQ test is gradually deepened with the development of high technology, and finally transformed into the management of the whole society, depending on the unmanned intelligence system).
3. Gradually introduce a perfect, fair and efficient "voting share" system, that is, for all important business voting such as election referendum and proposal voting, the cumulative "share" of each person's voting depends on the right and wrong results, which is calculated by computer and recorded in the integrity project, including qualification and qualification. Make all important votes more cautious, especially more effective. The imperial examination, general election, performance statistics, new deal evaluation and voting share should fully track and make use of the resources and role of the rapidly developing computer network technology to continuously improve the management level of the new deal. The final transformation of the whole society management depends on unmanned intelligent system guidance.
 4. Prime Minister of the "executive government" (and the top commanders of the army and police) are composed of two top candidates in the imperial examination. They apply for the position of prime minister as candidates for prime minister. Among the first batch of saints, they independently form two groups of running partners, protected by the prime minister level, and then elect the prime minister and Deputy Prime Minister through national elections. It is a combination of the two groups on various political issues of different political parties and associations, Get their best election plan and submit it to the people's vote. In each imperial examination and general election, the prime minister can be re elected for up to one term; After passing the second and third "imperial examination", he can be re elected in the general election. All administrative officials at the head and Deputy ministerial levels are appointed by the prime minister from the list of sages who have passed the corresponding imperial examination. They can resign after being approved by half of the other two governments, but the number of employment is not limited. There are two chief executives and two deputy chief executives of each province (Special Administrative Region), city and county (District). Among the sages who pass the imperial examination in each term, the candidates who apply for election through computer processing are elected by local voters, and other officials are appointed by their chief executives.
 5. After being elected, the chief executives at all levels resign from the posts of the original associations, parties and sects. The administration does not have the prejudice of associations and sects, and flexibly selects all the best decisions debated by all parties and sects as needed, that is, not only one party and one party, that is, without party color and ideological orientation, but also the combination of various topics of all political parties and associations to form the best political platform "national policy", The "belief" of any political party, association or individual political opinion is not equal to the "national policy". Only the "executive government" is set up to the administrative organs at the city and county (District) level, and only its offices, namely Township offices, town offices, grass-roots village offices and street offices, are appointed and removed by the chief executive at a higher level“ "Discussing the government" and "managing the government" are set up at the provincial (Special Administrative Region) level, and no lower levels are set up. Only "discussing the government" and "managing the government" establish an appropriate amount of "inspection teams", which need to travel according to the case, temporarily reside in the "executive government" courts of the cities and counties (districts) under their jurisdiction, and the Internet can be widely used for "discussing the government" and "managing the government" affairs, and cases (such as prosecution and filing). Simplify the complexity and overstaffing of western style institutions, and "executive government" is the concept of "management", which must be set up in cities and counties (districts). "Discussing the government" and "managing the government" are the concepts of "consultation" and "Adjudication", which can make full use of the Internet and its videos, simplify administration, reduce staff and abolish its municipal and county (District) level institutions.
6. Any candidate of a political party, faction, association or individual registered within its jurisdiction, after passing the qualification examination, They can compete for members of the central "parliamentary government" and the "parliamentary government" of all provinces (special administrative regions). They can be elected by voters within their jurisdiction without restrictions on the imperial examination and election period. The "faith" election with political party color or ideological tendency to participate in the parliamentary government is different from the parliamentary government without strong political party color and ideological tendency "National policy" elections and "executive government" elections. The "speaker" and "deputy speaker" are elected by the current members of the "parliamentary government" with more votes. The total number of "parliamentary governments" is the same as the other two governments participating in the "joint meeting".
7. The principal and deputy "Host", principals, examiners, prosecutors and judges of the central "rational government " and the provincial (Special Administrative Region) "rational government government" are qualified personnel who have passed the "imperial examination" in each new "imperial examination" Subject scores and make-up examination subject scores can be ranked by referring to the doctoral majors obtained by the original famous universities, or they can also be engaged in professional classification and filing. Volunteers will be put on file three times regularly, processed by computer and published in the list according to the specified order. It does not need to be elected by the public or appointed by the chief executive. It is irresponsible. It serves only the state and exercises it in accordance with the Constitution and the law. It does not include decisions in all cases that need to be decided by the "tripartite joint meeting". Different from the Western regime, it makes the judicial power, supervision power and review power more decentralized and independent. The chief and deputy "academicians" of each "rational government", the president, examiners, prosecutors and judges retire after a term of office of four years, and are eligible for re-election only after passing the "imperial examination". After leaving office, he will stay in the "rational government" and can also accept appointments to posts other than the chief executive and the deputy chief executive of the executive government.
8. Legislative proposals can be submitted by a simple majority of three governments, each of which will participate in the review and approval. The "executive government" proposal will be submitted to the "rational government", then revised, and then submitted to the "parliamentary government" for approval. The proposal of "rational government" shall be submitted to the "administrative government" for amendment, and then submitted to the "parliamentary government" for approval. After one-third or two-thirds of the proposal is passed, the proposal to abolish the "parliamentary government" shall be submitted to the "rational government" first, and then submitted to the "administrative government" as an amendment, or submitted to the "parliamentary government" for approval as an amendment. The first amendment or the proposal passed by more than two-thirds of the original proposal "parliamentary government" does not need to be submitted to the other two governments for direct approval. The proposal was finally approved by the "parliamentary government" and signed by the prime minister. If the signature is rejected, it will automatically take effect in ten days. The final adjudication of extraordinarily serious cases such as constitutional amendment, referendum, central impeachment, resignation of presidium members and delisting shall be proposed by at least two governments, convened by the chairman and adopted by the central "joint meeting" with two-thirds of the votes; Impeachment cases and major provincial cases shall be proposed by at least two local governments through voting, convened by the premier and adopted by two-thirds of the local "joint meeting".
9. The members of the bureau are senior officials without power. The latest outgoing prime minister is the "chairman" (symbolic head of state), the latest outgoing vice premier is the vice "chairman". After the term of office of the chairman and vice chairman expires, the chairman and vice chairman will serve as lifelong senior officials of the presidium together with other outgoing prime ministers and vice premiers, including the outgoing "speaker" and the outgoing "chief and deputy" rational government " person in charge. As the special envoy for the ceremony, the Bureau conducts independent investigations, patrols and notifications, and participates in the voting of special cases.
10. The new deal is a "three type election system" that combines the popular election and the imperial examination. It is not only in line with the public opinion but also standardized in academic theory. It is not only intertwined and optimized by the comparison between the "faith" election and the "national policy" (wisdom) election, but also conducive to the opportunities for the talented theorists, eloquent activists and both excellent talents to shine and contribute. The popular election and imperial examination of the new deal are not limited by age, men and women, nationality, party, wealth, image and eloquence. They are fair and reasonable, which is much better than the modern Western election.
11. The new deal is "scholar assisted democracy". So far, all so-called democracies can only be guided by powerful political parties and interest groups. The talents who stand out through the imperial examination and universal suffrage are the representatives of public opinion and theory, not the representatives of political parties, associations, churches or interest groups. The wise lead the team and then rely on unmanned intelligent systems to assist.
12、 All ethnic groups and regions have their own characteristics and enjoy full autonomy. As long as there are wise people, the smallest ethnic group or region, there are also the probability of prime minister and speaker, which is much higher than the current Western election probability, highlighting equality and justice. Neighbors with historical ties or public support can join the Dazhong Huaxin peace agreement, unconditionally accept military protection, disaster relief and economic assistance, and have the right to participate in elections and complete autonomy. The world can follow and share this new peace agreement, which can be expanded and expanded into a unified new peace agreement society.
It is reasonable that the party is not in power and the army is not in politics. It is easy for the world to achieve peace, avoid social tear and coup unrest, and achieve peace and security. Wise people govern the country better than the truly ideal and advanced modern western democratic new regime. It can make the Chinese people truly feel and surpass the American confidence and pride in the country, society and political system, and set an example for the world including the United States! It is also a milestone for the world to truly enter the new century of peaceful civilization. From "democracy" to "leading by the wise"! Advocating wisdom to govern the society, the real world is first led by the wisdom group, and gradually develops the virtual world "meta universe" system, and finally realizes the unmanned wisdom system to assist the real wisdom group to govern the society---the ultimate system of mankind.
Drafter: he Lianhe, August 6, 2019 (the first draft of the 1990s was revised on December 25, 2021)
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