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我的女兒 (1)
送交者: reader_2 2008年03月22日10:43:34 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話


懷孕期間一切多好, 從無嘔吐或其他不適. 在我預產期前一個月,我父親突然中風,媽媽需要留下照顧他,只好作廢了簽證和機票.
Sorry it is too slow to type Chinese for me.

1 -- the birth
1/8 around 5 pm, I felt a little contraction, I immediately drove to Costco to have a grocery shopping. At 7 pm, my husband came home. I told him we probably needed to go to hospital late night or early next morning. He did not take it serious since a few of his friends had had some false alarms. I asked him to take a sleep upstairs as early as possible. At the same time I stayed in the daybed downstairs. I felt the contraction more and more frequent. I waited until it became once every 5 mins and it was 6 am. I woke up my husband and called my doctor. The doctor asked me to meet her in the hospital. After a simple breakfast, we were on the way to the hospital.

When I got there at 7:30 am, I felt the very strong pain. The doctor checked and told me the contraction was very strong and the fetus' position was perfect for a natural birth. She congratulated my husband to be a dad in 3 hours. Then she asked if I needed epidural. I said yes. With that, all pain is gone. My husband called his boss that he could not go to office for a few days.

I was lying there for a few hours and then receiving IV of 催產素 for another a few hours , but there was no much progress. The doctor used ultrasound to double check the fetus. She told us that it was too big to have a natural birth. I had to get a C-section.

From 5:30 pm, they started preparing for a surgery. At 6:23 pm, I heard the 1st strong cry and then "oops". My daughter grabbed one of the doctor's tools, a set of tweezers, waving them to everybody in the room. My husband was too excited and stunned to do anything except watching. The doctor said, "This is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen." The doctor reminded my husband of taking photos. My husband then took a few photos when a nurse was cleaning the baby. When the nurse showed me the baby and kept telling me how wonderful this baby was, I found the baby was fatty and pink without any wrinkles. The baby weighed 9lb10oz. Twenty mins after the surgery, I felt very very cold, the nurse put 2 blankets on me, but I was still cold. Then she put another into a microwave to heat for a couple of minutes, and that one was much more helpful.

2 -- in the hospital

to be continued!

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內 容 (選填項):
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一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
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2005: 工作匯報:種“甲蟲”
2004: 特立獨行!好!ZT
2004: 兒子,以及中文學校 (ZT)