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送交者: 直言 2009年08月04日19:11:52 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

My Mind To Me A Kingdom Is

MY mind to me a kingdom is;

Such perfect joy therein I find

That it excels all other bliss

Which God or nature hath assigned.

Though much I want that most would have,

Yet still my mind forbids to crave.


No princely port, nor wealthy store,

No force to win a victory,

No wily wit to salve a sore,

No shape to win a loving eye;

To none of these I yield as thrall,--

For why? my mind despise them all.


I see that plenty surfeit oft,

And hasty climbers soonest fall;

I see that such as are aloft

Mishap doth threaten most of all.

These get with toil and keep with fear;

Such cares my mind can never bear.


I press to bear no haughty sway,

I wish no more than may suffice,

I do no more than well I may,

Look, what I want my mind supplies.

Lo! thus I triumph like a king,

My mind content with anything.


I laugh not at another's loss,

Nor grudge not at another's gain;

No worldly waves my mind can toss;

I brook that is another's bane.

I fear no foe, nor fawn on friend,

I loathe not life, nor dread mine end.


My wealth is health and perfect ease,

And conscience clear my chief defence;

I never seek by bribes to please,

Nor by desert to give offence.

Thus do I live, thus will I die,--

Would all did so as well as I!


- Sir Edward Dyer


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