又到周日,美滋滋地睡了個懶覺,起床後沏了杯清茶,信步走到了計算機前。突然,眼前一亮,只見鍵盤上靜靜地綻放着一束手工製作的“鮮花”,還有一張寫着一首小詩的心型卡片,一看就是俺家小二妹子的傑作! 美麗的“鮮花”散發着俺喜愛的沁香(估計俺的半瓶名貴Jadore香水也沒了),稚氣而又溫馨的問候讓俺心裡一陣感動,忍不住上來與罈子裡所有的母親們分享。是啊,世界上幾乎所有的母親都記得兒女的生日,又有多少人能記得母親的節日呢?(嘿嘿,小二妹子她哥就忘得一乾二淨的!) 謝謝小二妹子,謝謝所有今晨想起母親的孩子們!請看
Mom, You were the one who was always there, You were the one who brushed my hair. You were the one who cooked for us, You were also the one that sent me on the bus. But today is your day, I’ll say what I have to say; Mom, I love you and a Happy Mothers Day. -小二妹子 May, 9th, 2010