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樂維:老爸與自閉兒(二十二) 雲開霧散
送交者: 樂維 2010年08月04日12:55:51 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話


她告訴老何他們辦公室就他控告學區一案(其實是市政府)已經完成調查,做出了結論,就在這幾天會寄出來。老何問結論是什麼?A女士說,根據各方面的材料來看,他們認為ASCC已經構成歧視殘疾兒童行為。雖然他們否認,但是在學期結束只差一天開除Jerry足以說明是明顯的歧視。學區對此負有責任,因為這是在他們的管轄區里發生的事,而且你報告過,書面和電話都有,他們並沒有出面制止。嚴格說來是可以取消聯邦政府對學區的資助,但是考慮到那將會使很多無辜的學生受到影響。我們不願意看到這種事發生,所以我們沒有那麼做,希望你能理解。我想你也不希望其他無辜的孩子受到牽連,這是我今天打電話主要目的。但是ASCC不能再在學校里運作了,學區同意讓ASCC離開,自己運作一個類似的After School Care以取代ASCC。如果Jerry想回去,什麼時候都可以。學區不能以任何藉口報復,你如果發現有什麼問題,可以隨時與我們聯繫。



Re: Case No. xx-xx-xxxx

E School District

Dear Mr. He,

The purpose of this letter is to advise you that the U. S. Department of Education, New York Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is closing the above-referenced complaint you filed against the E School District alleging discrimination on the basis of disability.



The District is a recipient of financial assistance from the Department and is a public elementary and secondary education system. Therefore, the District is subject to the provisions of Section 504 and Title II. (學區接受聯邦教育部的資助,也是公立小學和中學教育體統。因此學區必須遵從Section 504Title II的法律條款)

In reaching a determination, OCR interviewed the Complainant and various District staff members; and reviewed documentation provided by the Complainant, District and Township. Based on the evidence obtained during its investigation, OCR made the following determinations.(為了達到最終決定,OCR約談了控訴人,幾個學區人員,查看了由控訴人,學區和市政府提供的文件資料。基於在調查中獲得的資料,OCR做出下列決定)

OCR determined that the ASCC Program, which is a recreational program providing after school child care to students in the District, is operated by the Township of E in conjunction with the District. The regulation implementing section 504, at 34 C. F. R. 104.4 (b)(v), and the regulation implementing Title II at 28 C. F. R. §35.130(b)(1)(v) prohibit recipients of federal funds, such as the District, from aiding or perpetuating discrimination against individuals with disabilities by providing significant assistance to any agency, organization, or person that discriminates on the basis of disability.

OCR determined that the ASCC Program is self-funded through tuition fees paid by participants, and the District does not provide direct financial support, staff, materials or program oversight. However, the District provides the ASCC Program with access to its facilities at eight of the District's schools at less than market value, and waives custodial and other facility rental fees normally charged for the use of these facilities. The District also publishes information about the ASCC Program on its website. Based on the above, OCR concluded that the District provides significant assistance to the ASCC Program.


The Complaint alleged that during 2006-07 school year, the ASCC failed to provide the student with modifications to address his autism, and terminated him from the Program on the day before the last day of school in June 2007, for alleged inappropriate behavior related to his disability. The Complainant stated that the Student was classified at the District and received services pursuant to his Individualized Education Program (IEP) and behavioral intervention plan that included a classroom aide and resource services, social skills instruction, and behavioral modifications. The Complainant asserted that the ASCC Program failed to respond to his requests to contact the District to seek assistance in dealing with the Student's behaviors that resulted from his disability. (控告人指控ASCC2006-07學年沒有為學生(Jerry)做出調整以適應他的自閉症,在20076月學校放假的前一天將其開除,指責他有與自閉症有關聯的不適當行為。控告人指出學生(Jerry)是學區定為特殊類學生,接受包括教室助理和資源服務的干預計劃,社交技巧教導,和行為矯正。控告人稱ASCC沒有對他提出的ASCC與學區聯繫以便尋求怎麼對應學生(Jerry)由殘障引起的行為做出反應。)

After initiating the investigation, the Complainant advised OCR that he did not enroll the Student in the ASCC Program for the 2007-08 school year, and he was not seeking the Student's re-enrollment in the program. OCR also learned that the ASCC will not longer operate in District schools after the 2007-08 school year; beginning in September 2008, the District will provide its own after school child care program to students in the District. The District submitted evidence to OCR demonstrating the steps it has taken to terminate its relationship with the ASCC Program and establish its own program. ...... Therefore, OCR will take no further action with regard to the Complainant's allegation and is closing the complaint as of the date of the letter. (在這個調查開始後,控訴人說他不會為學生(Jerry)註冊2007-08度的ASCC,並且不尋求將來回到ASCCOCR也獲知2007-08學年結束後,ASCC將不再在學區學校運作。從2008年九月起,學區將為自己的學生提供自己的after school child care項目。學區給OCR提供證據,顯示它已經採取步驟去終止它與ASCC的關係並建立自己的項目。。。。。。因此,OCR將不再針對控告人指控採取進一步的行動,將以此信的日子為期關閉此案。)


Please be advised that a Department regulation prohibits the District from harassing or intimidating an individual who has filed a complaint or participated in actions to preserve protected rights.



這是一封很奇特的信,字面上學區沒有被定為“歧視”,“違法”,連ASCC也沒有被說成是有歧視行為。只是羅列了老何的指控,並沒有說是不是屬實。至少表面上不是老何所最期望得到的結果。但是如果仔細看,卻並不是誰都沒有錯那麼簡單。信里沒有認定“歧視”的字眼。老何的理解是,如果文字上說ASCC歧視,學區就明顯違法了Section 504Title II,教育部就沒法迴避處罰學區,學區就將失去每年幾萬甚至幾十萬的聯邦資助。如同教育部在給老何的電話里說的,他們不想這麼做。雖然ASCC在文字上沒有被定為歧視,但實際上ASCC並沒有逃脫處罰。在教育部調查的壓力下,學區與ASCC終止了關係,將ASCC在學區的學校全部關閉了。將一個在學區經營了十幾或許幾十年的ASCC驅除出所有8所學區學校,本身就是最大的處罰,因為ASCC從此就銷聲匿跡了。



三月,所有學區的家長都收到了學區的一封信。信中通知家長從2008年秋季起,市政府的ASCC將不再在學校運作,學區自己運作的ASK (After School Kids)將取代ASCC。家長可以給孩子註冊ASK,服務和原來ASCC差不多,但時間延長到6點。ASK Brochure里增加了Discipline Policy,就是孩子如果違反規定的處罰程序。分三個level 第一個level孩子被警告,並被告知再犯就要通知家長;第二level通知家長,並被告知再犯的話,孩子將被終止一段時間;第三個level,孩子被終止一段時間,直到項目負責人認為可以的時候才能回來。如果還是不改,則會有進一步的處罰甚至可能開除。這些與老何曾經多次向S女士索要程序時說過的基本一樣。




老何給A女士回了一封信,首先表示感謝他們在這個案子上做的努力,同時表示理解教育部的決定,不對學區處罰,以免影響到無辜的孩子。但是特別提出,希望OCR密切注意S女士與Maggie的動向,她們不能改頭換面又到學區ASK里來。如果這樣,這種處罰就變得完全沒有意義了。而且建議政府考慮不應該讓她們再從事Day Care工作,因為很難保證她們將來不再次歧視其他自閉症孩子。


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