我揮動一片橡樹葉, 她那色彩變幻的目光追蹤着它; 我遞去一塊木屑, 她努力地用手指去觸摸它。
我把她的雙腳放在潤土上, 粉紅的小腳趾頭們在泥上使勁兒摩擦; 我采來一束雛菊, 嗅了又聞 --她笑靨如花。
坐在推車裡沿着小徑, 她耍玩柔柔的薊草和茸茸的“兔尾巴“; 躺在草坪上靜靜地, 她學習蟋蟀們唱歌和麻雀們講話。
在晨光里沐浴, 品嘗玫瑰花瓣上的露水,是她; 享受樹蔭下的涼風, 專心地舔着一隻松果,也是她。
她不僅非常好奇地 觀察我除草、澆水、育花; 而且帶來極大的激情 予我每一天的生活圖畫。
她,就是我的外孫女, 名叫西子,五個月大。 沒錯,她已經顯示了對園藝的熱愛, ---這難道有什麼奇怪嗎?!
I wave her an oak leave, She follows it with her changing-color eyes; I put her feet on the cool soil, Grapping the dirt -she exercises her tiny toes.
I hand out a piece of munch, She manages her fingers well to touch; I pick up a bouquet, Smelling and smiling there she is.
Being strolled along the garden path, She fondles furry fern and pets "bunny tails"; Laying on the lawn quietly, She learns sparrow's talk and cricket's songs.
Bathed in morning sun, She tastes dew on rose petals; Licking a pine corn, She enjoys afternoon breeze.
Not only with curiosity she observes My gardening works, But brings tremendous energy to my life Each single day that comes.
Who is my five-month-old granddaughter, Her name is ISIS; She shows an enthusiasm in gardening already, That is not at all to my surprise! (作於2010年5月2日) 版權所有 西子。勿經作者同意,不得轉載。引用請勿必註明出處。