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Recommand some good books for parents
送交者: 黎昉 2003年11月25日10:32:44 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

Most of us visit this site so often is because we love our child(ren)! Let me quote Hillary Rodham Clinton's book of "It Takes a Vellage":

"For the first time, I understood the words of the writer Elizabeth Stone: "Making the decision to have a child -- it's wondrous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around ouside your body." "

There are some parents recommanded good books for kids in this site. I think our parents need some good books for better parenting too, that is the purpose of this site. Let me start for a few and welcome all parents join me:

1. "It Takes a Vellage" by Hillary Rodham Clinton, ISBN 0-684-81843-4
2. "How To Behave So Your Children Will, Too" by Sal Severe, ISBN 0-9653012-0-6

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