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女兒寫的故事: Nerds’ Birthday
送交者: 博迪 2004年04月27日16:00:58 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

自從兒子寫了兩本CHAPTER BOOKS, 並POST 在這裡, 女兒也心動了, 幾乎天天都拿着
哥哥的"書" 及我在這裡打印的兒童習作看. 當我在網上時, 總是問我" Is there any
new kid's writing today?" 上周她悄悄動筆了, 還不讓我們看. 等寫好了, 才讓我幫
她修改. 她講的是生日PARTY, 她熟悉的事情, 人物都來自糖果的名字, 但沒有地點, 時間, 我幫她加上第一段, 藉此告訴她作文的幾要素: who, when, where, what,
how 之類, 她要求我把她的故事POST 出來.
此 "show off " 與炫耀無關 , 僅僅是誇獎她的方法之一, 其目的是想鼓勵孩子,肯
定她的努力. 讓孩子快樂, 產生成就感, 提高他們的學習自信心.
這裡也謝謝楚柴, 草梅, 阿微, Girlsmom等, 他們孩子的習作對我的兩個孩子的寫

Nerds’ Birthday
One day, in the Willy Wonka Candy Factory, all the Wonka candy numbers were playing on the playground.
During the break time, they chatted.
“Guess what is next week?” shouted Nerds.
“We are going to the dentist office,” said Bottle Caps.
“Willy is getting new shoes,” said Pixy Stick.
“Oh no! That is not a good sign,” said Nerds.
“I know it!” shouted Fruit Runts, “It’s going to be your birthday.”
“That’s correct!” cheered Nerds, “Now that’s the good sign,”
“I almost forgot it will be your birthday next week,” said Laffy Taffy.
“Are we going to have a party?” asked Tartn’ Tinys.
“It’s the time for you to make the decision, Nerds,” said Willy.
The nerds thought for while, “Uh…uh…uh…uh… OK!” Nerds continued “It is a good idea. We will have a party.”
“Yahhhhh……!” everyone jumped up and cheered
“Let’s now set up so we wouldn’t be busy,” said Lik-m-aid Fun Dip. Nerds agreed. So did others. Nerds was in charge since it was his party. Everyone would obey his commands.

The following days everyone helped for the party.
Wonka Bar made the birthday cake. Fruit Runts set up the table, including the plates and cups and the napkins. Willy and Laffy Taffy did the wall-to-wall decorations. Mix-ups prepared the juice and fruits. Mini-Shocktarts put out lollipops. Bottle Caps would bring all of the games. Nerds made many goody bags.
“Oh my! I can’t wait for that day!” cried Shocktarts.
Everyone excited. The days went by finally.

The next day everyone woke up early for the party. All the Wonka family members were invited to the party: Bottle Caps, Everlasting Gobstopper, Pixy Stix, Fruit Runts, Laffy Taffy, Tart’n Tinys, Willy, Lik-m-aid Fun Dip, Lik-A-Stix, Mixup, Wonka Bar, Shocktarts, Oompas, SweeTARTS Shockers, Flavor Flippers, Wacky Wafers,

The first game they played was shooting the arrows. The first person who got all four arrows, won first. “Wow! Xploder Bar won!” yelled the Nerds.
Other games were Dodge Ball, Doughnut Contest, Spin the Bottle, Pin the Tail, and more…
They were playing, eating, drinking…

It was finally time for cake and ice cream. Everyone sang the song Happy Birthday to Nerds:
“Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Nerds,
Happy birthday to you!”

Then Nerds cut the cake for everybody. Nerds with their friends ate cake and ice cream. Everyone got a goody bag, then said Bye-bye to Nerds and went home.

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