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Summer Reading in Bay Area!
送交者: lasertron 2004年04月28日16:38:08 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

I repost this article which I think could help your children the most and greatly overlooked!

Summer Reading in Bay Area!

送交者: lasertron 2004年4月26日09:56:52 於 [兒童成長]http://www.bbsland.com

We all know books are very expensive especially children's picture books and our college textbooks. A calculus textbook costs close or over USD$100. High school textbooks are even off the market!

Summer is coming. You should plan for your kids' Summer reading. I happen to know a place in San Francisco Bay Area where you can get free textbooks from K to college. All you need is to pay a membership fee kind of like a donation! It worths to pay an annual fee. In the past, it was completely free and no donation was asked. Nowaday, the nonprofit organization has to pay a rent, hence cost is incurred. Nonetheless, it is extremely cheap!

To get "good books" dependents on your luck (right after a college or high school donates their textbooks used by TAs or given by publishers for their professor review) and your knowledge of textbooks. It is like treasure hunting!

My friend got Apostle's Calculus Vol. I and II and his Mathematical Analysis, Fynman's Lecture in Physics, Vol. I, II and III, Voet & Voet's Biochemistry, GRE Physics, SAT prepbooks, etc. They also got all their homeschool textbooks materials there! I inherated some books from them. I have been there once. It is located in the old Hamilton Airfield in Marin County (Novato). It is kind of far from the South Bay. But it worths the trip. Check the website first before going. It opens at limited hours.

Here is the website, http://bookexchange.marin.org

Happy Summer reading!

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