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兒子的First & second Chapter Books
送交者: 博迪 2004年05月18日16:12:24 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

自"兒童成長"開張第一天起,儘管很忙(全職工作,兩個孩子,先生在外州工作), 我每天都會來這裡潛水,獲益良多. 衷心感謝版主及各位熱心爸爸媽媽們的奉獻.

兒子(8.5 歲)喜歡閱讀(尤其是Captain Underpants, Science, fiction books), 畫畫,做了很多 comic books.我建議他在comic book上寫些句子,但他不是很願意,說"It is too hard for me". 我將這裡小朋友們的文章打印下來給他們看,鼓勵他:"你也可以試一試.寫好了, 媽媽也幫你放在網上發表."兒子終於下筆了.上周寫完了他的第一本" chapter book" . 還配上了插圖. 他的故事寫得很簡單, 有些章節只有一句話. 應他的要求把他的"書" 放在這裡"show off" (只是文字部分).希望藉此提高他的作文興趣.

Mighty Tennis Ball Robot

Chapter1: The Volcanic Cave

Once, there was a mysterious and huge volcanic cave where a mad, evil scientist lived. His name was Dr. McEvilnasty.

Chapter 2: The Robot (part 1)

Dr. McEvilnasty is planning his evil plots to take over the world. Soon, he got an idea. He was going to build a gigantic tennis ball robot! The next morning he finally finished building the Tennis Ball Robot. “Now it is time to take over the world” said the evil scientist.

Chapter 3: The Robot Refused

The evil scientist ordered the Tennis Ball Robot to take over the world. Dr. McEvilnasty told the robot to do karate chop at the skyscrapers. However, the strange-looking Tennis Ball Robot didn’t do anything.

“Do a super-sonic stomp!” shouted the evil foe, again. But the robot kept on refusing. Over and over again, Dr. McEvilnasty was yelling, but the tennis ball robot refused until the evil foe gave up.

Chapter 4: The Aftermath

“You are a BAD robot!” shouted Dr. McEvilnasty and he turned angry away. He decided to get rid of the mighty Tennis Ball Robot, and take over the world by himself.

Chapter5: Planning plots again

Dr. McEvilnasty was now thinking of something else. Soon he got a new idea. He decided to build another robot that would need a person inside for control the robot.

Dr. McEvilnasty walked back to his volcanic cave.

Chapter 6: The Robot (part 2)

Dr. McEvilnasty created another robot. It took him all day and night. The robot was completely finished next morning. It was a glass dome and inside was a seat and the controllers.

Chapter 7: The Take Over

“I named this robot … Four Claws-Robo-Spider 1,000,000!” yelled Dr. McEvilnasty, as he climbed up the ladder and opened the door. He hopped in the elevator and went up to the control room. He pulled the lever and the engines roared to life. The Four Claws-Robo-Spider 1,000,000 roamed out of the volcanic cave and stomped across the cities. People in the cities cried for help, but no help came.

Chapter 8: The Mighty Tennis Ball Robot to the Rescue

Meanwhile, about 4 miles away from the Sportsville City, Mighty Tennis Ball Robot heard the people’s cries. He flew to the cities and hovered over the Four Claws-Robo-Spider 1,000,000. They both were ready for the battle!

Chapter 9: The Battle

Ready … set … GO! Shout the people. The Four Claws-Robo-Spider 1,000,000 did the super sonic stomp at the Tennis Ball Robot, but missed. The Tennis Ball Robot gave a super Mighty Slam and Smash. The Four Claws-Robo-Spider 1,000,000 lost control gradually. Finally the Four Claws-Robo-Spider 1,000,000 was running out of energy.

Chapter 10: The War Ended

The Four Claws-Robo-Spider 1,000,000 was defeated. So did Dr. McEvilnasty. Everyone cheered at the Mighty Tennis Ball Robot for being powerful and saving the day.

Chapter 11: Off to Jail

Dr. McEvilnasty was flung out of the beaten up Four Claws-Robo-Spider 1,000,000. The Tennis Ball Robot picked him up and put him in the Sportsville Jail with a thud. Dr. McEvilnasty was arrested.

Chapter 12: Back to Normal

After that, the people in the cities were ready to launch up the rocket to destroy Dr. McEvilnasty’s volcanic cave. “BOOM!” the cave disappeared with the huge explosion. A few months later, the city was rebuilt.

兒子的第二本chapter book

這是兒子的第二本chapter book. 主要情節仍然是他的super hero Mighty Tennis Ball Robot 與其他邪惡的打鬥 .在學校的sciences 課他正在學有關太陽系的知識, 所以他的故事就發生在水星和地球上. 他發揮他的想象力, 把以前的所看, 所聞(電影 , 參觀自然博物館, 分子生物學實驗) 都揉合到他的故事裡. 我建議他每一章寫得具體一點, 多一些描述. 他還振振有詞地說Captain Underpants 有的章節只有一句話或一個詞. 只好讓他自行其事了.

Mighty Tennis Ball Robot vs. Jurassic Nails from Mercury

Chapter 1: Museum Robbing

Once, about midnight, a space nail broke in to the Museum of Natural History and stole one bone from each dinosaur of the Jurassic Period and flew away. Chapter 2: Mecha-Nail

About 700,000 miles away, there was a spiky planet called Mercury which was pretty weird on the surface in that it was covered with nails. The ruler’s name was Mecha-Nail.

Chapter 3: Mecha-Nail’s Plots

Today, Mecha-Nail is going to take over another planet, the Earth, by using the DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) from the nail and the dinosaur bone. He was ready to zap them with the laser combiner. “ZAAAAAAAP!” went the laser. The blast sent papers and books flying. Soon the blasting was finished. All he saw were eggs.

Chapter 4: the Eggs Hatch

“Hmmm…” yelled Mecha-Nail, “I should wait until it hatches.” The eggs started to quiver and out popped Nailatops, Spikysaurs Rex, Nailgosaurs, and Pternailidyl. “Perfect!” said Mecha-Nail.

Chapter 5: the Take Over

Mecha-Nail, with his crew and the weird-looking dinosaurs, climbed aboard the spaceship and flew over to planet Earth and landed in … Sportsville! They began roaming around the city.

Chapter 6: The Terrible News

Ricky Ingrid appeared on the TV to tell the terrible news. People screamed in terror as the lasers zapped people into nail slaves. The slaves would have to obey Mecha-Nail’s commands. Everybody was filled with horror as they heard it. Chapter 7: The Nail Slaves (Already in Progress)

The evil space nails had turned everybody into evil nail slaves. Only a few people were left that hadn’t been turned into slaves. Soon, all of the people were turned into slaves.

Chapter 8: Tennis Ball Robot to the Rescue

About 8 miles away from the city, the Tennis Ball Robot heard the slaves’ zombie like voices of moaning. He flew away and hovered over the city where he spotted the slaves. “Ah- ha!” shouted Mecha-Nail as he pushed the EMERGENCY ATTACK button, and out fell … nail dinosaurs! The big battle was coming! Chapter 9: The Battle (part 1)

The Tennis Ball Robot and the Jurassic Nails leaped and gave each of them a fight. The Jurassic Nails gave super Smasher Assault, but missed and landed in a heap with a thud, while the Tennis Ball Robot crushed them up. Meanwhile, back to the spaceship, “GRRRR!” growled Mecha-Nail. He was very angry that he pulled the lever and the Jurassic Nails turned big and uranium.

Chapter 10: The Hard Battle

Now the metallic Jurassic Nails had grown as big as the Tennis Ball Robot. It was time for the battle again. A large cloud of dust covered the Tennis Ball Robot and the Jurassic Nails while they fought.

Chapter 11: The Bow Down

The battle is not over yet … because … the Jurassic Nails had defeated Tennis Ball Robot temporarily! Now they were going to control the entire world!

“Bow down to me,” demanded Mecha-Nail in a boom voice.

“Yes, master,” the slaves replied in a zombie like voice.

Chapter 12: A Few Hours Later …

A few hours later, the Tennis Ball Robot got ultra-power and energy. The Jurassic Nails and the Tennis Ball Robot were ready for another battle… again! Chapter 13: the Battle (part 2)

The Tennis Ball Robot and Jurassic Nails leaped again. While they were fighting, a gigantic cloud of dust appeared from the sky. They vanished. Chapter 14: The War Ended

The dust lifted off. It showed that the Tennis Ball Robot had defeated the Jurassic Nails. “BOOM!” the spaceship exploded. Only thing left – to stop the zombie looking nail slaves.

Chapter 15: Off to Jail

Mecha-Nail was falling down from the explosive… and landed in the Sportsville Jail with a thud. The slaves turned back to normal. The Jurassic Nails vanished away.

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