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介紹一個Character Education網站
送交者: 阿微 2004年06月18日15:50:47 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
CHARACTER EDUCATION 翻成中文大概是“德育”,內容有:

1。Responsibility - Being accountable in word and deed. Having a sense of duty to fulfill tasks with reliability, dependability and commitment.

2。Perseverance - Pursuing worthy objectives with determination and patience while exhibiting fortitude when confronted with failure.

3。Caring - Showing understanding of others by treating them with kindness, compassion, generosity and a forgiving spirit.

4。Self-discipline - Demonstrating hard work controlling your emotions, words, actions, impulses and desires. Giving your best in all situations.

5。Citizenship - Being law abiding and involved in service to school, community and country.

6。Honesty - Telling the truth, admitting wrongdoing. Being trustworthy and acting with integrity.

7。Courage - Doing the right thing in face of difficulty and following your conscience instead of the crowd.

8。Fairness - Practicing justice, equity and equality. Cooperating with one another. Recognizing the uniqueness and value of each individual within our diverse society.

9。Respect - Showing high regard for an authority, other people, self and country. Treating others as you would want to be treated. Understanding that all people have value as human beings.


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