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In 20 years
送交者: PaoErMa 2004年07月08日16:10:43 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話

our children will lead the mainstream instead of assemilate into the mainstream! I have a strong confidence not only in the capability of the next generation chinese (ABC) but also in this tolerating/constantly changing /improving society/culture. If that will not happen, all our effort about educating our chidren is in vain.

I will tell my children how pround I am as an immigrant. I will let them know dad and mom already made a big contribution to this country by paying so much taxes. I will teach my children how to stand firm and stay strong so that they can fly. I will teach my kids to judge people not by their color but by their heart. I will teach my chidren this is THEIR VERY OWN homeland, though mom and dad home is on the other side of the earth. I will let them know being a chinese makes them a better american. I will teach them their value is appreicated not by the brand they carry but by the contribution they can make to the society.

I have been told by so many people (white or black) that they are not the native and I am just 200 years later. So why always keep a twisted mind and also hand it over to our children?

Tell your children, this is their country. They got to make the change and lead the country in some 30/40 years.

Leadership starts here!

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