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送交者: 小哭 2014年01月27日16:04:40 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話


Susan 小哭譯



















            Meeting Neal Shusterman

I met my favorite author today! This summer, I started reading Neal Shusterman’s books, and now, I’m a huge fan of his. It’s amazing how entertaining and thoughtful his stories are, and how well I can connect to them. So, when I heard that he was coming to my school, I was super excited.

The night before he came to our school, I started to get nervous. My mom said that I would be able to talk to him from 7:30 to 8:00, but what if he doesn’t like me? My mom was also going to show him what I wrote about his works, but what if he thinks I intepreted the book wrong? What if he thought those writings are really lame? I was nervous, not because I was scared of him or because I didn’t know what to say. I was nervous because I was worried about what he would think of me. I had never met a famous person before, and I didn’t want to seem too interested and annoy him, but nor did I want to seem too uninterested and make him feel like talking to me was a waste of his time.

The following morning, my mom took me to school at 7:30, but unfortunately, Mr. Shusterman wasn’t there! It turned out that he set his alarm for 6 PM instead of 6 AM, which made him late. It was nice to know that even famous authors make silly mistakes like that too. However, it was unfortunate for us, because since he was late, he did not have that much time to talk to us. In the end, I had to get to class, and he exchanged a few words with my mom instead.

After advisory, we skipped 1st and 2nd period to attend Mr. Shusterman’s presention. Before, I’d always thought of him as “that dude that write these really awesome books”, not really as someone whom I would ever get to meet and talk to. I was a bit surprised by the casual way he talked to us. He told us that we can ask the questions and he’ll answer them. When he said that, my mind started spinning. I had so many questions, which one should I ask?! Somebody else asked a question that I was sort of interested in, so I decided to listen, and then ask later.

Somebody asked Mr. Shusterman where he got his ideas for “Unwind”. I’ve already heard the basic story of how he got his ideas from these three different unrelated sources (my mom showed me a video about it), but hearing him tell it himself, in detail, was different. I was amazed by how he was able to see the potential story in those news articles and piece them together. Also, I was surprised by how real the threat of unwinding is. He told us about how he read in a new article somewhere about these “feral teens” in Britain that were causing lots of trouble, and how some people were claiming that they want to kill those teenagers for the good of society. I had no idea that sort of stuff was happening in the world. (I don’t watch the news much, because they’re too depressing. Evening news always starts with “good evening”, and then proceed to tell you why it’s not.)

I had a question about how he get from an idea to a finished book. How does he know if the idea is good for a book? What’s the writing process like for him? How much of the story does he know before he starts and how much does he come up with on the spot? He answered the first part of the question well, but not the second. Mr. Shusterman said that whenever he gets an idea, he immediately write a book about it. First, he finds out if the story is worthy to be told. He wants to tell stories that are unique, story that are different from regular books. No vampire romances or fairies and dragons for him. He wants something that’s original. Also, he wants the story to be able to connect to reality in some way. He wants his readers to be able to connect with the story and find the story believable. Also, when he writes a story into a book, that story is usually screaming at him to be told. That last one is what gives him motivation to write.

I thought his answer was really good. Those were the things that made his books so likable, and I really admire him to be able to come up with stuff like that. Then, he proceeded to tell us his writing process, and about how he usually write a bunch of drafs (I think it was five… at least four… but I don’t remember very well) until he finds the story good enough to be called “my first draft”. He said he never looks back in a story and change stuff from before until he finishes writing every chapter. That’s something that I’m guilty of doing. Also, one thing I found really interesting was that he writes stuff down in a notebook first, then type it into the computer, because when he type things in, he usually make edits that would make the book better.

I found Mr. Shusterman’s answers to his questions very thoughtful and very useful. I should try using some of those methods in my own writings too. Aside from questions about how he wrote his books, there were questions about which character he liked best, how he came up with different characters, and other things that I considered interesting but not super important. Two class periods later, we had to all go upstairs for class, and I was glad that I got to meet him, but also dissapointed that I couldn’t ask all of the questions that I wanted to.

I think Mr. Shusterman is a really, really great author. He obviously knows his characters from the inside out, and he has a lot of talent too. I would never been able to think of a story like Unwind if I had read the same things he had read. I had so many more questions to ask him (mostly because he gave such good answers)! I wanted (and still want) to know how he developes his characters. Not just how he gets his ideas for them, but how he acutually flesh out their personalities and make them real. I want to know how he deal with those days when it just seems like the story is going to run into a wall and die (he must have those days, right?). I want to know how he got so good at writing. I want to know if he ever feels like the story is not going to work and that it had been a waste of time. My mom already sort of explained how he writes without really knowing where his story is going to go, creating the storyline as he goes along, but I want to hear it from himself about how he comes up with different scenes in the story. If he came up with ideas as he wrote the story and dropped those ideas in, how much of the story was outlined when he started, and how much was added on? I have so many questions to ask him!

Overall, I really enjoyed meeting Mr. Shusterman. My mom told me that she has his e-mail, so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to communicate with him in some way. He is a really talented and great person, and I’m hoping I can learn a lot from him.

  謝謝樓主母女的時間。 - yellow witch 01/28/14 (1128)
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