小女跟游泳隊五年多,大女近兩年,每周數次訓練,從不遲到早退。偶有時間衝突也會事先與教練溝通。雖然大女游泳目的只為鍛煉身體,小女目前有不錯成績,但仍然和大部分隊員家長一樣自覺遵紀守隊上各項制度。同時兩女也學會對任何自己有commitment 的事情認真對待,做到最好。(校內校外) 這和最後的成績和結果無關。是態度問題,遲到早退是不尊重他人的表現。
這兩年來,隊上大陸新移民家長增多。現十二歲以下占到總隊員人數近一半左右。訓練遲到早退的問題在連續無數次周郵(每周一次教練與家長,運動員溝通郵件)中提及。一些隊上華人家長平時言談中表露: 游泳只是課外活動. 孩子又不會真正去干體育這行. 遲到早退不是什麼大不了的事。再說家庭自費,有權力那樣。覺得教練大驚小怪的家長不少。
哈,這就是中美文化又一不同點。在學校老師總教學生尊重他人中包括尊重他人時間,遵守公共道德這些細節。這些的確只是對人,對事的態度問題,和成績沒有太大關糸。所以我們華人家長沒有對這些引起過重視。但仔細想想,做事認真,遵紀守法,尊敬他人不正是個人素質嗎? 雖和學習成績無關,但會和社會風氣,個人道德有關。這些不正是國內現缺的東西嗎? 我們這代自己不給孩子好榜樣,讓他們也不重視自身素質培養,那會比較可惜。個人成績好不等同個人素質高。如果家長不重視孩子素質教育那這兩者將不成正比。以下是教練們對隊員遲到早退感想,希望家長們看一下是否真的沒有必要大驚小怪。
Tardiness has once again a huge problem at practices. We understand that there are a number of factors our families deal with on their way to practice (scheduling conflicts, traffic, etc.) and that tardiness does happen on occasion. However, the amount of late swimmers has gotten out of control. There are swimmers that are showing up 10, 15, or even 20 minutes late to practice, EVERY weekend. If there is a reason that your swimmer will continuously be late, please discuss this with coaches. Coaches can be made aware of the situation. It is not only disruptive to the swimmers and coaches, but it distracts the coaches from the other swimmers in the water, AND distracts your teammates who got to practice and into the pool on time. Since this issue has gotten out of control, we will now be enforcing the following policy: Swimmers must be on deck ready to go no later than 5 minutes before practice starts. At the start of practice, swimmers who are there ready to go will get in, and any swimmer who arrives late (WITHOUT prior knowledge or approval from the coaches) will be asked not to swim. If your swimmer is late and is asked not to swim, an e-mail will be sent to you (the parents). If your swimmer is asked to leave 3 times, we will need to set up a meeting with you, your swimmer, and Coaches Will discuss the issue with you. We know that this is not how you want to be spending your valuable time, and it is certainly not how we would like to spend our limited free time, however this has what we have come to. As most of you are coming straight from school, the same rules apply, however we will have a 5 minute leniency.
Please be respectful to your coaches and your teammates by being on deck and ready to go.