Susan八年級校園生活(20)--地獄設備(暢銷小說) |
送交者: 小哭 2014年03月03日18:32:09 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話 |
Susan著 小哭譯
這事兒我以前說過很多次,但是我從來也沒有像這次感覺這麼強烈:《地獄設備》是我讀過的最好的書。幾乎所有的方面它都位於我最喜歡的書單上:最好的人物發展、 魔幻和現實最好的結合、最好的寫作風格、最好的關係發展、最好的場景、最感人的書,還有它是我讀過的最好的一套書。可能一段時間以後它都將是我讀過的最好的書。當我讀完這個三部曲的最後一本的最後一章時,我為書讀完了這事兒想哭。事實上,我真的就大哭了。那麼,讓我們來看看是什麼讓這套書如此地迷人吧?
Susan熱愛閱讀,這已不是什麼還需要多說的事情了。可是,這麼多年下來,我頭一次看到她因為讀完了喜歡的書,哭得如此稀里嘩啦的,幾天都不能恢復平靜。那些天只要她一開口,就是《地獄設備》,就跟中了邪似的,最後我們不得不問她,可不可以換個話題?她不斷地跟我們解釋着那套書有多麼地好!!!作者有多麼地了不起!!!說是書的結尾有多麼地不可思議。她總是會忍不住站在作者的角度去理解作品,但同時還能享受着當讀者的那一份快樂。如果不是認真地翻譯這篇讀後感,我真的是不知道她到底在讀書的過程中經歷了些什麼。我把她的這篇讀後感傳給了才女教授昭君,想看看同樣熱愛閱讀的昭君的小兒子是否也酷愛這個系列。結果昭君說:“給兒子看了,他對第一段非常有共鳴(他曾經也跟我提到過一個自己喜歡的series 結束的時候那種痛苦的感受)。這套書他沒有讀過,但聽說過,我有點想動員他也借來看看呢。”
The Infernal Devices
For me, reading a book is like dating. When I first start, I either get really excited because I’ve found a really good book, or I get really bored by it and can’t wait for the first date to end. Usually, after the first chapter, if I don’t like the book, I end the relationship. When I come across a really good book, I keep on reading it, and the more I read, the more attached to it I become, just like how it is with dates. However, one way book are different from dates is that eventually, I have to break up: I have to finish the book. It’s unavoidable. If it wasn’t that exciting of a book in the first place, finishing it would be a relief. However, when I come across a particularly good book, finishing it can be quiet sad. I usually deal with that post-break up trauma by finding another good book to get attached to (I know, that’s not a very good coping mechanism). However, sometimes, the break up can be so bad that I feel like I never want to read a single book ever again. When the book is super-amazing, finishing it can be a tear-filled experience that makes me want to swear off book forever. It’s painful. That’s how I felt when I finished The Infernal Devices trilogy.
I’ve said this a lot of times before, but I’ve never meant it as much as I do this time: The Infernal Devices are the best books I have ever read. They are at the top of my list for almost everything: best character developement, best mixing of fantasy and reality, best writing style, best relationship development, best setting, most emotional books ever, and finally: the best books that I have ever read. And probably the best that I will ever read for some time. When I finished the last chapter of the last book in the trilogy, I felt like crying my eyes out over the fact that it has ended. Actually, that was exactly what I did. So, shall we take a look at what made the books so amazing?
Like I mentioned earlier, these books had one of the best character developments ever. When they were first introduced, I didn’t feel anything for them at all. As the story progressed, Clare (the author) brought them to life with her words, and the more I read, the more attached and protective of them I became. The characters had layers to themselves like onions, just like real people, and for most of the first book and the second book, the author developed those layers, helping me know them, inside and out. The result was characters who had more depth to them than a lot of the people I know in real life. By the third book, one thousand pages later, I understood them, I became them. I know that sounds really weird, but it’s true. I felt their despair, I felt their joy. I went through their struggles with them, crying when things went horribly wrong and laughing when one of them make a witty joke. They became real to me.
I think the whole point of the book wasn’t about this evil guy who is about to take over the world with robots made of clockwork, or about the good guys trying to stop him. It wasn’t about the passionate love triangle between Tessa, Jem, and Will. Not really. It wasn’t even about the Infernal Devices, the title of the whole story. Those were all things things that were written to help build and develop the characters. That’s what the story was about. It was about the characters. It was their story. That whole love triangle thing was only a small part of it. All three books, all one thousand five hundred fifty-four pages, was dedicated entirely to the bittersweet story of Tessa, Jem, and Will.
This trilogy had an amazing ending. I don’t even know where the end of the story started. If I’m allowed to, I would say the whole five hundred and seventy pages of the last book was the ending. The last book was definitely the best one. Usually, people say the first book is the best, and the quality of the writing decreases. Not so with The Infernal Devices. The first book was the worst, and the last book the best. The end of the end, the epilogue, was the best and the worst part of the book. It did make me start bawling in a very ungraceful manner, but I don’t know whether those were tears of joy or tears of sorrow. Those last twenty pages had more impact on me than all those hundreds of pages before it.
The ending made me think about death. Usually, books end on a happy note. Especially romance-adventure books like The Infernal Devices. They end leaving the reader with a happy image of the heroine and the hero, hand in hand, their lips sealed in a passionate kiss. Usually, they don’t suddenly jump to half a century later and spend three pages describing the main character die of old age. That just complete ruins that youthful image of the main character. Well, that’s exactly what the epilogue did. In fact, it jumped to a whole century later, and had a flashback describing the death of Will, the young, handsome, and witty boy that Tessa married. What made it even worse was that it was a natural death, so there was nobody to blame. WHY?! Why would Clare put me through that? And to rub some salt on the wound, Clare also had to spend paragraphs describing the happy memories Will and Tessa had together, making it even more unbearable for Will to pass away.
That made me realize how much of a curse immortality is. Tessa is immortal, therefore, when Will was old and gray and died in her arms, she still looked like she was in her late teens/early twenties. She would never die, and she had to watch those whom she love grow old and die around her. I had to watch those whom I had grown to love grow old and fade away. I had already known that all the characters I like in books would eventually die, but I would rather not think about it. However, Clare forced me to see the truth, to accept Will’s death. I don’t know if I love her or hate her for that. There are a bunch of other things that happened in the ending that I have mixed emotions about, and stringed together, the events in epilogue of the book were like gunshots to my heart. Finally, when I finished the trilogy, my emotions were in a big, huge, tangled mess. Never has a book triggered that sort of response in me.
Overall, The Infernal Devices was an amazing story. It pushed
the limits of love and friendship. It was a story full of loss and betrayal,
and ultimately, love. Set in the English city of London during the
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