abjure to reject solemnly
adjure to command
abrogate to nullify
arrogate to claim
abstruse hard to understand
obtuse dull, slow
accede to agree
exceed to go beyond
accent to emphasize
ascent climb
assent to agree to something
access right or ability to enter
excess intemperance
ad advertisement
add to join to something; to find a sum
adapt to adjust to something
adept highly skilled
adopt to take as one's child; to take up
addenda additional items
agenda list of things to be done
addition part added
edition publication
adjoin to be next to
adjourn to suspend a session
adjure to command
adverse unfavorable
averse disinclined
advert to refer
avert to avoid
overt unconcealed
advice counsel or in????ation
advise to give advice
affect to act upon or influence
effect resu?? to bring about
agenda see addenda
alimentary relating to nourishment
elementary simple or basic
allude to refer indirectly
elude to evade
allusion indirect reference
illusion misleading image
amenable accountable, agreeable
amendable modifiable
amend to alter in writing
emend to correct
ante- prior to or earlier than
anti- opposite or against
anymore any longer, now
any more more
appraise to set a value on
apprise to give notice of
apprize to appreciate or value
arraign to bring before a court
arrange to come to an agreement
arrogate see abrogate
ascent see accent
assay to test for valuable content
essay to try tentatively
assent see accent
assure to give confidence to
ensure to make certain
insure to guarantee against loss
aural relating to the ear or hearing
oral relating to the mouth, spoken
averse see adverse
avert see advert
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bail security given
bale bundle of goods
base bottom
bass fish; deep voice
biannual usually twice a year; sometimes every two years
biennial every two years
bloc group working together
block tract of land
born produced by birth
borne carried
breadth width
breath breathed air
breathe to draw in air
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callous hardened
callus hard area on skin
canvas strong cloth; oil painting
canvass to solicit votes or opinions
capital city that is the seat of government
capitol state legislature building
Capitol U.S. Congress building
casual not planned
causal relating to or being a cause
casually by chance or accident
casualty one injured or killed
censor to examine for improper content
censure to express disapproval of
cession a yielding
session meeting
cite to summon; to quote
sight payable on presentation
site piece of land
collaborate to work or act jointly
corroborate to confirm
collision act of colliding
collusion secret cooperation for deceit
complacent self-satisfied
complaisant amiable
complement remainder
compliment admiring remark
concert to act in harmony or conjunction
consort to keep company
consul diplomatic official
council administrative body
counsel legal representative; to give advice
corespondent joint respondent
correspondent one who communicates
corroborate see collaborate
council see consul
councilor member of a council
counselor lawyer
counsel see consul
credible worthy of being believed
creditable worthy of praise
credulous gullible
currant raisin-like fruit
current stream; belonging to the present
cynosure one that attracts
sinecure easy job
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decent good or satisfactory
descent downward movement
dissent difference of opinion
decree official order
degree extent or scope
defuse to make less harmful
diffuse to pour out or spread widely
deluded misled or confused
diluted weakened in consistency
demur to protest
demure shy
deposition testimony
disposition personality; outcome
depraved corrupted
deprived divested or stripped
deprecate to disapprove of
depreciate to lower the worth of
descent see decent
desperate having lost hope
disparate distinct
detract to disparage or reduce
distract to draw attention away
device piece of equipment or tool
devise to invent, to plot
diffuse see defuse
diluted see deluded
disassemble to take apart
dissemble to disguise feelings or intentions
disburse to pay out
disperse to scatter
discreet capable of keeping a secret
discrete individually distinct
disparate see desperate
disperse see disburse
disposition see deposition
dissemble see disassemble
dissent see decent
distract see detract
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edition see addition
effect see affect
e.g. for example
i.e. that is
elementary see alimentary
elicit to draw or bring out
illicit not lawful
eligible qualified to have
illegible not readable
elude see allude
emanate to come out from a source
eminent standing above others
immanent inherent
imminent ready to take place
emend see amend
emigrate to leave a country
immigrate to come into a place
eminence prominence or superiority
immanence restriction to one domain
imminence state of being imminent
ensure see assure
envelop to surround
envelope letter container
equable free from unpleasant extremes
equitable fair
erasable removable by erasing
irascible hot-tempered
essay see assay
every day each day
everyday ordinary
exceed see accede
excess see access
extant currently existing
extent size, degree, or measure
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flaunt to display ostentatiously
flout to scorn
flounder to struggle
founder to sink
forego to precede
forgo to give up
????ally in a ????al manner
????erly at an earlier time
forth forward, out of
fourth 4th
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gage security deposit
gauge to measure
gait manner of walking
gate opening in a wall or fence
generic general
genetic relating to the genes
gibe to tease or mock
jibe to agree
jive foolish talk
guarantee to promise to be responsible for
guaranty something given as a security
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hail to greet
hale to compel to go; healthy
hearsay rumor
heresy dissent from a dominant theory
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i.e. see e.g.
illegible see eligible
illicit see elicit
illusion see allusion
immanence see eminence
immanent see emanate
immigrate see emigrate
imminence see eminence
imminent see emanate
imply hint, indicate
infer conclude, deduce
impracticable not feasible
impractical not practical
inapt not suitable
inept unfit or foolish
incite to urge on
insight discernment
incredible unbelievable
incredulous disbelieving, astonished
incurable not curable
incurrable capable of being incurred
inept see inapt
inequity lack of equity
iniquity wickedness
infer see imply
ingenious very clever
ingenuous innocent and candid
inherent intrinsic
inherit to receive from an ancestor
iniquity see inequity
insight see incite
install to set up for use
instill to impart gradually
insure see assure
interment burial
internment confinement or impounding
interstate involving more than one state
intestate leaving no valid will
intrastate existing within a state
irascible see erasable
it's it is
its belonging to it
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jibe see gibe
jive see gibe
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lead to guide; heavy metal
led guided
lean to rely on for support
lien legal claim on property
lesser smaller
lessor grantor of a lease
levee embankment to prevent flooding
levy imposition or collection of a tax
liable obligated by law
libel to make libelous statements; false publication
lien see lean
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material having relevance or importance; matter
matériel equipment and supplies
median middle value in a range
medium intermediate; means of communication
meet to come into contact with
mete to allot
meretricious falsely attractive
meritorious deserving reward or honor
meticulous extremely careful about details
militate to have effect
mitigate to make less severe
miner mine worker
minor one of less than legal age; not important or serious
moot having no practical significance
mute a person unable to speak; to tone down or muffle
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naval relating to a navy
navel belly button
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obtuse see abstruse
oral see aural
ordinance law, rule, or decree
ordnance military supplies
ordonnance compilation of laws
overt see advert
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parlay to bet again a stake and its winnings
parley discussion of disputed points
peer one of equal standing
pier bridge support
peremptory ending a right of action, debate or delay
preemptory preemptive
perpetrate to be guilty of
perpetuate to make perpetual
perquisite a right or privilege
prerequisite a necessary preliminary
persecute to harass injuriously
prosecute to proceed against at law
personal relating to a particular person
personnel body of employees
perspective view of things
prospective relating to the future
prospectus introductory de????ion of an enterprise
perspicacious very discerning
perspicuous easily understood
pier see peer
plain ordinary
plane airplane; surface
plaintiff complaining party in litigation
plaintive sorrowful
plat plan of a piece of land
plot small piece of land
pole long slender piece of wood or metal
poll sampling of opinion
pore to read attentively
pour to dispense from a container
practicable feasible
practical capable of being put to use
precede to go or come before
proceed to go to law
precedence priority
precedents previous examples to follow
preemptory see peremptory
preposition part of speech
proposition proposal
prerequisite see perquisite
prescribe to direct to use; to assert a pre????ive right
proscribe to forbid
preview advance view
purview part or scope of a statute
principal main body of an estate; chief person or matter
principle basic rule or assumption
proceed see precede
proposition see preposition
proscribe see prescribe
prosecute see persecute
prospective see perspective
prostate gland
prostrate prone; to reduce to helplessness
purview see preview
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raise to lift, to increase
raze to destroy or tear down
reality the quality or state of being real
realty real property
rebound to spring back or recover
redound to have an effect
recession ceding back
recision cancellation
rescission act of rescinding or abrogating
respectfully with respect
respectively in order
resume to take up again
résumé summary
role part, function
roll turn
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session see cession
shear to cut off
sheer very thin or transparent
sight see cite
sinecure see cynosure
site see cite
stationary still
stationery writing material
statue piece of sculpture
stature natural height or achieved status
statute law enacted by a legislature
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tack course of action
tact sense of propriety
tenant one who occupies a rental dwelling
tenet principle
therefor for that
therefore thus
tortuous lacking in straightforwardness
torturous very painful or distressing
track path or course
tract stretch of land; system of body organs
trustee one entrusted with something
trusty convict allowed special privileges
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venal open to bribery
venial excusable
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waive to give up voluntarily
wave to motion with the hands
waiver act of waiving a right
waver to be irresolute
who's who is
whose of whom
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your belonging to you
you're you are
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