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A Stone Heart
送交者: 笪缑 2009年03月16日21:36:13 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
小女另一首小诗,赠彩虹妹: Slowly she walked and walked, ‘Till she could walk no more. Looking for the thing she sought, She fell to the floor. There, in sorrow, she wept. Where was the meaning in her life? Now that he had left, Who would help her see the light? Slowly and carefully, she got up. She knew she would have to push and shove, Just to reach the one she needed— To reach the one she loved. Where could he have gone? Why had he even left? Tears blurred her eyes for she, she had be wronged. “I’ll be with you until I die” is what he always said. But he left, still alive. And when he departed that fateful day, She was left without her own life, For he had taken it away. She must find her other half, Before she lost the one she had, So she continued on her lonely path. Daybreak drew near, Her goal she hadn’t yet reached. And if she did not find him, it was clear, Her life would be bleak. Could he not hear her calls? If not with his ears, then with his heart. Surely he knew that she would crawl, Just to have them not apart. The end of her road came into sight, And she sprinted into town. He is no where to be seen, She noted with a frown. Why did he leave? “It’s for the best,” he had said. She would be grateful for the worst, couldn’t he see? As long as he was with her. She fell down to her knees, And started to give up. “Come back to me, won’t you please?” She begged with a loud “hiccup”. Right there she kneeled, For a whole four and a half days. Then a strange reaction occurred: Her heart got cold and stayed that way. She sat there weeping, still, The coldness spreading throughout her. Her empty, stone heart, how would it ever be filled? Her figure started to blur— She was changing into stone. No meaning left to live, She was cold to the bone. She had no more love to give. She is now a statue, A large, carved rock. A display of her sorrow, Her broken heart has been locked. Many months later, Her late swain arrives. Discovering the fate of his lover, He broke down and cried. Soon after this, God did them both a great deed. With a faint “hiss”, He turned into a statue, too, indeed. Of course they both needed each other, He now knew he hadn’t been right. His statue arms moved slowly, As he reached to hold her tight.
  这首诗写得真好!  /无内容 - rainbow 03/17/09 (387)
    彩虹最近好忙啊 - 笪缑 03/17/09 (281)
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