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送交者: 大呆鸟 2011年11月22日11:17:08 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
    Chapter One :

  Ms. Jordanhyn

  There she was. Running down the hall with a big baseball bat .I panicked. There was no way I could outrun Enji. She was big and fat with blond hair. Anybody who’s anybody knows that a little midget like me can’t outrun a big fat sumo wrestler .I blinked and stood in panic. I think I fainted for half a second because the next thing I knew, the baseball bat had turned into a sword! I knew Enji was pretty mean and that we were rivals and everything but I never thought that she was going to go this far! Just about when it looked like Enji was going to get me I screamed.

  “Julia! What is the matter?”

  It was my mother’s voice. That’s when I realized it was just a dream. Thank goodness, I thought .I opened my eyes. I was still at home on my way-to-big bed.Cold sweat was on my long black hair. “Come on now Julia,you’re going to be late for the bus , AGAIN !”shouted my mother.

  I jumped for half a second, I forgot she was still there. “All right,all right I’m coming,”I mumbled.

  I thought about my dream. It was like all the others ,Enji chasing me down an endless hall. I thought about the sword part. That was new. Like I said I only fainted for about as long as you can blink. There’s no way you can change a baseball bat into a sword for that long.

  What am I thinking?!, I told myself. It’s just a stupid nightmare it doesn’t mean anything. But this time, something told me I was wrong.

  I came to school and everything is about just as I remembered : awful. I’ll tell you what I mean , first of all there’s Enji ( who gave me a smirk when I walked in which means nothing good of course). Then there’s these classes which seem so boring I guess there’ re just not my type.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped. But it was just my friend Trista. “Hey Julia !”she said excitedly “Guess what ? I saw Enji chasing a kid with a baseball bat in her hands. Then she accidentally bumped into Coach Steven, and gave her detention for 2 whole hours ! Isn’t that great?”

  “Nothing better,” I replied “Serves her right!”

  BBBRRRIINNNGG!!!! went the bell. “Catcha later,” she said.

  I walked over to Ms. Beller the language arts teacher’s class. “Sorry I’m late Ms. Bell…” I began, but she wasn’t there. Instead, sitting in Ms. Beller’s chair was a lady dressed in black with her brown hair held together in a tight bun. “I mean Ms…..um….uh….Ms…”

  “Jordanhyn,” she finished for me.

  I froze at that name.I recognized it all right.I didn’t want to.Jordanhyn was Enji’s last name.Which meant our substitute teacher was her mom.This wasn’t good news. “Right,” I said “Ms. Jordanhyn.”

  “Now,”she said “Julia would you kindly tell us why you are late for class?”

  Again, I froze. not because of what she said,but because of what she said it with.Now is it just me ? Or did that lady have a forked tongue?

  “Well?” she demanded.

  I decided to lie.She probably had fangs to.If I told her that I was busy yakking with Trista about the great news that Enji got detention, she’d kill me.”I ...well...um...well my dog had an emergency and...um...So I ..uh..let her out...So...er...I decided to let her out and...um..and well she decided to make a run for it and that’s why I’m late for school.”I lied.

  “Very well,”Ms. Jordanhyn said coolly.

  I was too happy when the bell for 2nd period finally rang.But not that happy. My face was pale. Pale white. The forked tongue kept appearing in my mind.

  Davy,who’s in the same language arts class as me ,and I met up after school that day. The forked tongue kept tingling in my mind. “You look pale,” said Davy.

  “Davy, about language arts today, did you notice Ms. Jordanhyn’ s tongue?” I asked.

  “No,” she replied “What about it?”

  “The tongue,” I said slowly “It- It was forked! Like a snake’s tongue .”

  She felt my forehead. “ Julia, are you sick or something?”

  “ No, I’m fine,” I replied.

  “ Really?” she said with disbelief “ ‘Cause your talking like Ernie’s rubber ducky.”

  “It’s not funny,” I said with a deadly serious voice. It really annoys me when Davy makes jokes like that when she doesn’t believe me. She always does that and when I say always I mean always, always, ALWAYS ! Sometimes I wonder why we’re even friends.

  “See for yourself.” I mumbled.

  “ Fine, I will.” she said “But this is still kind of still sounds like something Bigbird would say under water.”

  I sighed. Davy will always be Davy and there’s nothing I can do about it .

  The next day Trista wasn’t at school. Nor was Davy or any other of my friends. And the next day they still they still weren’t back.The same thing happened for the next 8 days. Suddenly I began to realize that more and more students were disappearing. Until all was left was 17 or 18 other students. And Enji was among them! I suddenly got very suspicious. I had the feeling that Enji had something to do with this and I highly hoped that my feeling was wrong!

  When I got to school this morning I felt that something was seriously wrong. My first hint was that there was only 7 students left ! The only other people besides me were Enji and her friends.I couldn’t belive principal didn’t notice! There was one good thing though; there was a new kid in school. She had short, wavy blond hair, freckles, and blue eyes. She herself wasn’t much taller than me. I didn’t go all like “ Hi! My name is Julia! What’s your name? And blah blah blah blah.” Because the 1st period bell rang.

  I was praying that Ms. Jordanhyn wasn’t back again because the first time with her was an absolute nightmare. “Ah...Hello again Ms. Julia Alkaroy.” said a lady all dressed in black with a tight bun.

  I sighed. No such luck.I looked around. The only other people in the class was a guy named Nickolas ( who by the way is Enji’s boyfriend) and that new girl. “ So class today we have a new student. Her name is Melinda. Now you know so shut it up with the questions if you have any and now lets get to work.”

  Ms. Jordanhyn started taking the attendance.After she was done she looked up and said “Perfect, we’re all here.”

  I was like :WHAT?! Anybody who can see anything could tell that we’re missing like about 20 students. Was that woman blind ? My hand shot up. “Um... Ms. Jordanhyn, aren’t there supposed to be more than three students ?”

  Her head turned to look at me slowly. “Shut. Up.” she said in a deadly voice.

  My heart stopped. My blood froze. And my brain gone numb. Nobody can make their eyes flash red when there’ re angry. Nobody human.

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