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Mrs.S'S Summer Reading Challenge 2012
送交者: 淡然走过 2012年09月23日07:04:24 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

Mrs.S'S Summer Reading Challenge 2012


暑假要开始了,孩子们一般是没有暑期作业的。但Mrs.S这一班非一般情况,知道自己的原班人马会继续多跟她一年,所以暑假有一个Mrs.S'S Summer Reading Challenge 2012. 。孩子们做完10个以上会有奖励。下面是一些节选。

1.I read at least 5 fiction books.
2.I read at least 5 non-fiction books.
3.I read 2 biographies.
4.I read 2 folktales or fairytales.
5.I read 4 Caldecott winners or 1 Newberry winner.
6.I read magazine.
7. I re-read a book because I likes it so much the first time.
8. I recommended a book to someone else.
9. I read a recipe.
10.I read on vecation.
11.I draw a picture postcard and mail it to a friend.
12.Keep in touch,I write an email to Mrs. S, and she will write you back.
13.Discover recipes for fun, read the direction on a box of gelatin, and make dessert with parent's help.
14.Visit fun places, library, zoo, museum, or book store.
15.While traveling the world, read about your trip, make a your travel route on a map.
16. Enjoy the great outdoors, pick wildflowers and press them between the pages of a heavey book until end of summmer.
17.Become a publisher,make your own joke book.
18.Watch the skies,learn what birds live in your area, find the constellations

标 题 (必选项):
内 容 (选填项):
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海外华人福利!在线看陈建斌《三叉戟》热血归回 豪情筑梦 高清免费看 无地区限制
一周点击热帖 更多>>
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2010: 西子:《和孩子一起做园艺》
2010: 解决孩子发飙的8条秘诀
2009: 让宝宝少得感冒的5个绝招
2009: 为什么有些人喝牛奶会腹泻
2008: 孩子缺锌该怎么办?
2008: 华裔孩子热中网上学中文