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送交者: 佚名 2005年04月11日16:18:21 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

3 月14日,是一个历史的日子,After 将近80 年SAT的惯例举行及由此引发的广泛的争议后,改革后的新SAT终于于这一天登台应试了。考试结束后, Local的一部分家长志愿者们紧急联手起来,抓了一部分考生,凭藉着他们的Fresh Memories,基本复原了其中一份考卷的95%的考试题。下面,就这次考试,我和各位谈谈大概的情况和考生们的感受。

这次考试, Writing Section: Multiple-choice grammar questions last 35 minutes. The essay takes 25 minutes. In 25 minutes, students had to write up to a two-page essay taking a position on the prompt provided. Essay的题目是:1、Writing the essay question was about government and majority rule. 2、About the role of creativity in the contemporary world.

这次的Essay Test好像是一个 blue-book的exam, 一个 short essay on一个很 broad topic. 尽管如此,据我们所询问过的孩子们的情况看来,它却并不意味着是一个big deal,事实上,从我们所了解的他们的思路来看,他们都做得算是得心应手的,不像他们自己先前担心的那样。昨晚,我S也self-test了其中的一篇 essay,他认为,必须速度快到 write three paragraphs in about five minutes.

所以,假如你的孩子能在考场上建立他/她的thesis in one minute, and he/she can finish his/her first draft in 10 minutes, he/she will be OK. Also, 这次的essay definitely shows how much one studies, and how much one cares about the things daily.

另外,据分析的情况看,这次的作文,还有一个很大的issue, 那就是, the essay is testing two skills that are growing increasingly无关紧要: handwriting and spelling.

总之,Essay is really important. It is the first portion of the test that students have to tackle, and it maybe stayed with everyone for the whole test.

这次的math是ridiculously easy, 相比较于老的SAT math. 这次的Math, 其中有10 new Algebra II-level questions, 但是大多数questions 仍然cover了seventh- through ninth-grade math camouflaged to appear more difficult. 据孩子们反映,During the math it was really important to manage time. If someone took too much time on one question, he/she couldn't answer them all. 同时,懂行的家长看题后建议:Memorize fraction-to-decimal conversions将会帮助 save time.

Critical Reading: 包括了 timed sections: 两个 25 minutes long and the other is 20 minutes long. 这一次的Reading Section, 题目很容易。但是,After我们研究题后,再一次地坚信不移:Vocabulary is extremely important!Even though you can know how to do all the rest, if you don't know the words you're dealing with, 。。。

So far, 我们调查的这些学生中的大多数是 feeling pretty confident with 这次的新题测试。我们对比后也认为,这次新的SAT考试比老的SAT要简单些。

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