羊羊得了支气管炎(bronchitis) |
送交者: 胖羊羊他妈 2006年01月23日20:13:42 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
今天带羊羊去见了Dr.R.检查的结果是:支气管炎(bronchitis)和右耳中耳炎。 :( 另外上牙床前方细菌感染,造成红肿。Dr.R 说羊羊病得很厉害,要在家里休养。周四前不要去幼儿园。一周后找Dr.B复查。R开了抗生素,一药治两个炎症。另外推荐了非处方的止咳药,说是可以帮助清理气管里的粘液。对于红肿的牙床,R推荐用双氧水擦拭,每天3次以上。 羊羊病史回顾:从周一晚开始,高烧3天(105F)。周四晚转为低烧(101F)直到现在。昨天发现上牙床前方呈暗红色,吃饭时会痛得羊羊大哭。可怜的小家伙!这一周来每天都吃得很少,高烧退了也很蔫,活跃的时候不多。今天才知道,原来这次不是一般的感冒发烧。 右耳中耳炎有些蹊跷。我并没有观察到羊羊有任何耳朵疼的迹象。不过他现在正在长最后一颗牙:右上方的槽牙。今天看病回来,他指了几回,示意右边牙痛。可能是耳朵痛? 支气管炎(bronchitis)倒是有比较明显的症状。羊羊往常发烧只是干咳,也没有鼻涕。这次鼻涕特多,偶尔咳,但是呼吸有些困难,又有噪音,有痰的样子。今天症状比前几天还好了些。结果仍被诊断为细菌性支气管炎(bronchitis)。:( Dr.R 印象:羊羊今天看病,居然大部分时间都没有哭!往常检查耳朵一项他是要奋力反抗的。这次Dr.R看出来羊羊害怕,就花了5分钟做“安抚工作”:先给羊羊看检查耳朵的小电筒,里面有光柱,像个玩具;然后又放到自己耳朵上比划比划;最后才给羊羊耳朵上用。羊羊不仅没有哭,还在Dr.R的喋喋赞赏声中露出几分得意之色。对相比之下,Dr.B每次都要我们按住羊羊的肩膀和双手,他使劲拽着羊羊的耳朵。整个检查耳朵的过程如同上刑。羊羊每次都拼命反抗,甚至有几次趁Dr.B俯身之际用脚踢到Dr.B。 但愿换大夫的事情能够成功!Dr.B不仅给羊羊造成了“恐医症”,也让我谈医色变。每次羊羊发烧,我都对看医生这件事很发怵,能不去就不去。这次就拖出了问题。
http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/toddler/toddlerills/todcold/1189989.html • What is bronchitis?
While bacterial infections and irritants such as cigarette smoke and dust can also trigger bronchitis, viruses are by far the most common culprits in children. What are the symptoms?
Your child's cough could become wetter and more productive near the end of the illness. Some people — almost always adults who smoke or children who live with smokers — suffer bronchitis symptoms for months at a time. This is called chronic bronchitis (as opposed to infectious bronchitis or acute bronchitis), and it's one excellent reason to keep cigarettes out of your house. When should I call the doctor?
Of course, you should call the doctor immediately if your child is having trouble breathing or is breathing rapidly, especially if his temperature is normal, or if he has wheezing in addition to a cough. If your child is turning blue in the face, is struggling for air, or is coughing up blood, call 911 or head for the emergency room. How is bronchitis treated?
Since it's overwhelmingly likely that your toddler's bronchitis is caused by a virus, antibiotics — which kill only bacteria — won't be helpful. If the doctor decides that your child does have a bacterial infection, she'll prescribe antibiotics. You can help relieve your child's congestion by making sure he drinks eight to ten glasses of liquids each day. If your house has dry air, a cool-mist humidifier can help him breath easier. Cold weather, dust, and smoke can irritate a child's airways, so let him rest in a clean, warm, smoke-free room. You can give him acetaminophen or ibuprofen to ease his fever and pain. (Children who could have a viral infection should never take aspirin because of the risk of Reye's syndrome, a life-threatening disease.) Is there any way to prevent bronchitis?
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