I'm a Chinese school teacher also. To me it's a good move to send my son to Chinese school. Kids usually do what their teacher wants them to do, like home work etc., better than their parents order. Being a Chinese school teacher, my biggest challenge is that parents do not urge and help their kids to do home work.
After all there's only two hours of Chinese teaching each week at school, if the kids do not practice Chinese at home for 6 days, how could anybody remember what they learned at Chinese School for 2 hours. So it's extremely important and critical for parental supervision at home to study Chinese everyday. Most of the parents blame Chinese school Teacher not doing a good job of teaching, but one can not learn any language without practicing often at home.
It should be understood at the very beginning that to study and learn Chinese is a big commitment for both parents and kids with Chinese school teacher's guidance, also as a checking point, because the teacher does not see the kids every day, but their parents do. If you think sending your kids to Chinese School for 2 hours a week will automatically make your kids to master Chinese language, then you are deadly wrong. If you do not plan to urge and help along every day, sending your kids to Chinese School is totally a waste of your hard earned money.