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Demography, Economy, and Society
送交者: jingchen 2022年12月02日07:38:29 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

Demography, economy, and society 

A family has four members, father, mother, and two babies. Two babies got killed. GDP per capita instantly doubled. The family celebrated the economic miracle. 

What’s more! The mother is freed from taking care of babies. She can now taking a salaried job. GDP per capita doubled again. Another economic miracle.

This is not the end. In a family with kids, people normally work from nine to five, five days a week. In a family of no kid, it is normal to work from nine to nine, six days a week. This further enhances GDP per capita.

For several decades, some nations celebrate their economic miracles, paying no attention to the great loss of life. But chickens will come home to roost.

If it is casual to abort babies, it can’t be that serious to abort adults. If the goal is noble enough, you can be locked up in your homes and locked down in your cities. You can be burned to death in your locked apartment or jump to death from your open window. 

A senior person has fond memories of the good old days. A senile society has fond memories of the good old days. But it was in the good old days that “planned parenthood” was planted. Today we are merely harvesting what we have sown long ago.

P.S. A retired top politician in China died recently. It triggered a lot of nostalgia in the media. This is my reflection. 

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