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The family is my life
送交者: 职业 2008年01月11日15:19:18 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话




Here you can see two angels of mine: xi xi and tie dan.

xi xi is the first gift of God to me about 7 years ago for our 5 years marrige. when she was born, my hosuband told me that she was not crying but only in smell. now, she is a Q girl with some hurry in everything: too smart to take care of herself.

tie dan is a little gentelman, with a relative patient and very careful in everything, and be interested in everthing like his dady, a real small scientist.

so, now you have seen the most part of my life: the family. of course, you did not see the big guy in this picture--that my personal secret.

to stay with xixi and tie dan and take care of them everyday is real woderful thing that God teach me for these years. like a busy and crazy 7:30 AM to the elementary shcool, also like a just everyday sticky car-pool at 3:00 PM, or the home work, playground, dinner and two piano noisy maker before the night coming.

everday for these years, when i can stay at stduy table at 9:00 PM, sometime with my housband, i still can smell their breathes at their bed rooms with a little sound of their heart beaten like what they were in my puddle.

how wonderful a day with a tired mom who is still in the classroom?

just pray they will not grow up so quick

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